Oops, I almost missed Saturday. Thankfully I am here to tutor you - TopicsExpress


Oops, I almost missed Saturday. Thankfully I am here to tutor you all with my thoroughly-researched list of.... The top 12 cheapest moves in marvel. Ranked from Cheapest... to even cheaperest. Here we go. -12. Hidden Missiles Pretty obvious...Dr. Doom is snapping his fingers and you hit him for being dumb.... and then halfway through your combo missiles out of nowhere. WTH?! Why are they still there even though he got hit...? Capcom too lazy to fix their glitches again I guess smh. -11. Dark Phoenix Pretty blatently just disregards how fighting games work. IF your life bar is at 0 your done... round over. Marvel has three characters with all different lifebars, so its a little different. But if you use this move you just IGNORE that rule and get an EXTRA life bar. Nobody liked this when Gill did it... why did they bring it back? Probably nobody making this game played the great game called THIRD STRIKE!! -10. Helm Breaker Dumb, dumb, dumb. You drop in from the top of the screen with a huge priority move... it hits behind you... you can cancel into whatever basically... you can even teleport right over them and do it. I bet people NEVER use this move offline. Are you gonna cheese on somebody when theyre sitting right next to you...? Didnt think so. -9. Teleport Belt I am talking about Deadpool, yes DEADPOOLs teleport... at least most characters need an assist to do teleport mixups, but deadpool can use his OWN GUNS?? so your telling me he can go in front or behind... then do low or high... right. I love deadpool and I LMAO every time I see him play but... just bad design, guys. Take it from me... -8. Double Lariat The same as hidden missiles but even more annoying. Basically peopel call this whenever they know they made a mistake because they are bad... and then if you try to do the combo you earned... you get hit instead. This one is higher than Hidden Missiles because missiles have advanced targeting systems and would definitely be a threat... but a lariat is just spinning your fists around. I dont think its realistic that Thor or Strider etc. would be stopped by a random dudes fists... just my $0.02 -7. Command Grabs Cheap as heck. If youre going to grab me, and I know it... I can tech it. But command grabs are grabs where you CAN NOT tech the grab (I have tested in training mode). A lot of characetrs have these but they would all be a little more fair if you could just tech out when you knew they were coming. This game had some really bad ideas huh... -6. Spiral Swords When Vergil puts the swords up.. you cant even do anything about it? I dont even waste my time playing against Vergil... if I see a vergil player in an online lobby I just leave. Or if somebody picks him in a match Im in I will disconnect. If you arent going to play with any fun why are you playing at all??? Some of us are online to have a good time playing video games the right way... -5 Soul Fist Morrigan is getting as bad as Vergil these days... What is the worst part about the soul fists is that there are some behidn you too, and its very confusing trying to press the control stick left and right to block some from the front and some from the back. Sometimes I swear they are unblockable, because I press right and the fireball is on my left... and I still get hit. I dont really get why this move is in the game... -4. Standing Heavy Need I say more........??? Hulk players just press this all day... no skill, no, thinking.... just press it.. LAME. -3. Level 3 Buster This move is... CHEAP!!! You pretty much always have it, and it lets you do two moves at the same time. Can you imagine if Spider-Man had that power?? HE could do web ball AND web throw... unbeatable. This was just a flawed concept from the start. -2. Helm Breaker Vergils Helm Breaker is even worse than Dantes (see above). Vergils Force Edge Sword is longer than Dantes Rebellion (Play Devil May Cry, kiddos ;) ) so it makes sense that this move is bigger...... but it also fels much more dangerous... maybe because vergil is so much cooler than dante..... LOL And the number one... CHEAPEST MOVE... IN MARVEL.....!!!!! -1. Rimoukon Hyper Armor WOW. Remember in Marvel 2 who the best character was.... a little robot called... SENTINEL?????!!! Because he had HYPER ARMOR... RIGHT??!!?! So why in the world would they... BRING BACK HYPER ARMOR!!!1 A dude used this against me online... I couldnt do ANYTHING! Everytime I did a good setup... hsien-ko just walked right through? Imagine if you could do that in street fighter... sorry daigo but I can just walk through your fireball spam... they would never do that. So how come they thought it was a good idea to put in this game? thats CRAPCOM for you I guess.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 03:45:22 +0000

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