Oops guess I shouldnt have sold all my guns ! HEY FOLKS SHIT IS - TopicsExpress


Oops guess I shouldnt have sold all my guns ! HEY FOLKS SHIT IS ABOUT TO HIT THE FAN ! SAVE EVERY NUT BOLT ROCK PEBBLE , GLASS , ANYTHING THAT IS SOLID AND WOULD BE A PROJECTILE DRAINO , ALUMINUM , ANY DIVERSION TO GO STEALTH MODE ALWAYS HELPS AS WELL ! Thanks Mitch McConnell ! Time to educate Amerika on Democide ! So who wants to have BIBLE STUDIES AND WHOM HAS A NICE FARM TO TEACH EACH INDIVIDUAL HOW TO PROTECT YOUR HOME THROUGH GOD AND KNOWLEDGE ? I HAVE THE KNOWLEDGE TO TEACH , YOU HAVE THE POWER TO GET THE MATERIALS NEEDED ! It dont take guns to protect a home , those are for hunting our food mainly , or for some idiot wanting to break in your home rape your family and shoot yall and rob you blind ! Speaking of blind lets start topic ! What chemical/s will instantaneously blind a person ? Next what weakens protective glass and armor ? How to communicate when the system is down with your fellow neighbors ? How to ambush or get them to join a renegade force of god fearing Christians , stop those who try and take our rights ? How to turn a simple cooler into a home protection device ? How to make a cap or pop gun ? How to take out a fleet of terrorists invading your town ? What the US & UN are not telling us about Gun Prohibition Coming Dec 24 I WILL SAY THIS IS ALL MY PERSONAL OPINION AND FEAR NOT THE EVIL IF YOU TRUST THE LORD HE WILL GUIDE YOU THROUGH THE FURY OF FIRE ! DOESNT MEAN HE DONT THINK PROTECTING YOUR NEIGHBOR IS A SIN , SO PREPARE ITS NOT YOUR NEIGHBOR BREAKING DOWN YOUR DOORS IN MILITARY STYLE POLICE UNIFORM ! That would be our Devils advocates taking orders and uniting with ones whom are bitter for not helping them during their homeland invasion by Russia ! Get it yet people ? All a strategically plotted plan of action set back before we ever thought it possible . You dont have to like or comment ! Natives know where the dog was praised as a mayor ! Lol close we will find one another ! Again all an opinion exercise my 1st amendment , 2nd and 4th amendment rights . Do not act hastily ! Spare those who are with you ! If we do not stand now we will fall fast ! Get Mitch out of office as well ! Not by violence but by mouth and pen !
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 20:27:10 +0000

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