Oopsie! Snot even 7.00 a.m yet and I hazz allreddy been telled - TopicsExpress


Oopsie! Snot even 7.00 a.m yet and I hazz allreddy been telled orf! I hazz been watching Law & Order on da telly so i hazz decided to repwesentz myself in dis matter. So, it waz like dis......Da Mumz hazz to go to dat silly hospickle again so she says she iz hazzing a splish splosh in da bath early so she can sitz and relax wiv me and stay nice and calm. So, she hazz her barth and settlez down on da sofa wiv her breakfast ...a big bowl of moosilly (exhibit 1)! Not only iz dat very annoying for me cos she wont share cos it hazz da lickle rabbit poop raysunz in it (exhibitz 2 - 13) BUT then da Mollycatz comes and sitz behind Mumz and startz trying to dunk her paw in said moosilly. SO naturally I leapz to da Mumz defence and jumpz on top of her so I can bop da Mollycatz on da head (justifiable reasonable fawce) . For sum reason Mumz frew her bowl (waz exhibit 14, iz now exhibitz 14,15 & 16) in da air and iz now wearing said moosilly, partickerly in her fweshly washed hair. I hazz been playsed in remand in me crate while Mumz cleanz up da broken china and froot and nutz. Meanwhile Mollycatz iz sitting on top of me crate purring and licking her milk cuvvered fur and saying fingz like yoo iz going darhn for dis sonny boy and Mumz sayz I hazz to stay here till she hazz had another barth cos parrently itz not nice to turn up for hexaminayshunz smelling like a lump of feta cheeze and hazelnutz popping up in unexpected playces. I finx Mumz should at least axsept parshul responsibillytee for dis dogalogue of eventz. If she had made da right choice in da first place and had a bacon sangwidge none of dis wouldz hazz happened. Dat memberz of da jury iz my submishun and I can only place my trust in yoo to draw da right conclooshunz. FREE DA BEVERLEY ONE! Tangle da Uncarcerated xxxxx
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 06:32:23 +0000

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