Op-Ed Articles: Video: US/Saudi Oil Play is Economic Warfare: - TopicsExpress


Op-Ed Articles: Video: US/Saudi Oil Play is Economic Warfare: Lawrence Wilkerson says the target of low oil prices is Russia and Iran whose economies are being thrown into turmoil and opens the doors to sovereign raiders informationclearinghouse.info/article40583.htm Irreversible Decline? Did the U.S. and the Saudis Conspire to Push Down Oil Prices? By Mike Whitney: Why would the Saudis suddenly abandon a strategy that allowed them to rake in twice as much dough as they are today? Dont they like money anymore? informationclearinghouse.info/article40576.htm Non-Dollar Trading Is Killing the Petrodollar; And the Foundation of U.S.-Saudi Policy in the Middle East; By Alastair Crooke: It would be ironic, indeed, were the tensions with Russia inadvertently to become the driver of America finally losing its petrodollar card. informationclearinghouse.info/article40584.htm Europe Beware! WWIII Could Destroy Europe for the Third Time in a Century By Peter Koenig A dying beast knows no mercy. It rather destroys the universe and itself than leaving survivors behind. informationclearinghouse.info/article40579.htm The Victory of Perception Management By Robert Parry To confront the hard truth is not easy. Indeed, in this case, it can cause despair because there are so few voices to trust. informationclearinghouse.info/article40582.htm US Looks to Israel to Justify Torture By Vijay Prashad Israel has its own Guantánamo: Camp 1391. informationclearinghouse.info/article40580.htm How American Corporations and the Super Rich Steal From the Rest of Us By Paul Buchheit Main Street is going broke. Wall Street is cashing in. informationclearinghouse.info/article40581.htm The Prison State of America By Chris Hedges The incarcerated poor have become the nations most exploited workers. They are the prototype drones for the corporate totalitarian state. informationclearinghouse.info/article40575.htm Broken Countries Policing Impossible to Preach Respect for the Rule of Law By Matt Peppe Besides exploitation for profit, criminalization of African American enables many of same types of discrimination as previously existed under Jim Crow. informationclearinghouse.info/article40577.htm Hard News Cameroon says kills 41 militants: Cameroons army killed at least 41 Islamist militants as it fought off a wave of attacks along its border with Nigeria over the weekend in an escalation in the conflict, the government said. news24/Africa/News/Cameroon-says-kills-41-militants-20141229 23 killed in Boko Haram attack in Cameroon: At least 23 people were killed in a Boko Haram at¬tack in the Mozo¬go district in Cameroons Far North Region, an of¬ficial said. sunnewsonline/new/?p=97671 At least 22 Iraqis killed, 60 wounded in two separate attacks: At least 22 killed and 60 others were wounded in two separate attacks north of Iraq, Iraqi Ministry of Interior announced Monday. A source at the Ministry told KUNA that a suicide bomber blew himself up inside a funeral tent, killing 19 mourners and wounding 52 others. kuna.net.kw/ArticleDetails.aspx?id=2416616&Language=en ISIS Has Killed An Iranian General In Iraq: A sniper killed an Iranian Revolutionary Guards commander who was training Iraqi troops and Shiite militia fighting Islamic State (ISIS, IS, or ISIL) militants in the Iraqi city of Samarra, official Iranian media reported Sunday. businessinsider/r-iranian-general-killed-by-sniper-bullet-in-embattled-iraqi-city-2014-12 IS claims another jet shot down over northern Iraq: The nationality of the alleged prisoner is unknown and the reports have yet to be confirmed, coming on the heels of unverified claims that IS had killed seven US soldiers and downed two helicopters. middleeasteye.net/news/claims-another-coalition-jet-shot-down-over-northern-iraq-802612940 Iraqi security forces recapture large sections of Dhuluiya town: Iraqi security forces and pro-government militias took control of large parts of the Tigris River town of Dhuluiya north of Baghdad on Monday from Islamic State fighters, police and army sources said. reuters/article/2014/12/29/us-mideast-crisis-iraq-idUSKBN0K715F20141229? Car bomb near Syria gas plant kills 9: activists: A car bomb explosion near a gas plant in Syrias Homs province Monday killed nine people including four soldiers, activists said, updating an earlier toll. dailystar.lb/News/Middle-East/2014/Dec-29/282522-suicide-bombers-attack-syria-gas-facilities.ashx Palestinian youth shot dead by Israeli forces south of Nablus: Youth named as Imam Jamil Dweikat killed in Beita village near Tappuah checkpoint after being shot by Israeli forces. maannews.net/eng/ViewDetails.aspx?ID=750506 Afghanistan official says 4 soldiers killed in south: An Afghan official says four soldiers have been killed while repelling a Taliban attack on an army checkpoint in a volatile region of the southern Helmand province. economictimes.indiatimes/news/international/world-news/afghanistan-official-says-4-soldiers-killed-in-south/articleshow/45679268.cms Leaked kill list shows NATO killed Afghan children, civilians in pursuit of low-level Taliban fighters: Drawing information from top secret documents spirited away by former NSA analyst Edward Snowden, Der Spiegel reports that the kill list used by NATO forces in Afghanistan included low-ranking members of the Taliban along with drug dealers suspected of supporting them. rawstory/rs/2014/12/leaked-kill-list-shows-nato-killed-afghan-children-civilians-in-pursuit-of-low-level-taliban-fighters/ Afghanistan: Taliban declares defeat of Nato: A Taliban statement said the US-led force had rolled up its flag without having achieved anything substantial. bbc/news/world-asia-30626728 Ukraines 2015 budget proposal stirs fresh protests: Activists warned that tax hikes on business and a high rate of income tax risk stoking further social unrest at a time when the countrys currency is rapidly losing value. https://kyivpost/content/kyiv-post-plus/ukraines-2015-budget-proposal-stirs-fresh-protests-376297.html West wants to end confrontation with Russia over Ukraine - EU foreign policy chief: Western powers want to find common ground with Russia and end their confrontational approach over Ukraine, the EUs foreign policy chief told Italian media rt/news/218271-eu-confrontation-ukraine-russia/ UK: Falklands defence review after military deal between Russia and Argentina: DEFENCES on the Falklands are being reviewed after it emerged Russia plans to offer Argentina long-range bombers. express.co.uk/news/uk/549006/Falkland-Islands-defence-review-after-military-deal-between-Russia-and-Argentina Greece faces early election after PM loses vote on president: Greece heads to an early general election next month after parliament rejected Prime Minister Antonis Samarass nominee for president on Monday, throwing the country into a new period of political turmoil just as it emerges from economic crisis. reuters/article/2014/12/29/us-greece-vote-idUSKBN0K60MA20141229 Shots fired on Los Angeles police car; no one hurt: A man fired a rifle at two Los Angeles officers in a patrol car, but no one was injured in the attack that comes amid tension nationwide between police and protesters rallying against their tactics. news.yahoo/shots-fired-los-angeles-police-car-no-one-135526788.html Wake Up! 1000s take to streets across US protesting police brutality: A wave of peaceful protests, aimed at denouncing police violence, swept across the US on Saturday, with the number of protesters peaking in Los Angeles, where there were over 5,000 in the Millions March for First Amendment Rights. rt/usa/218159-usa-anti-police-demonstration/ 2014s Biggest Moron is revealed. : There so many morons that, through their acts of idiocy and overall stupidity, make themselves all worth contenders. I have profiled the winner below, runner up and a few notable mentions. things-that-matter.net/2014/12/28/biggest-moron-of-2014-is-revealed/
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 05:04:08 +0000

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