Open Heavens Devotional Thusday 26th September TOPIC: UNPLUGGED? - TopicsExpress


Open Heavens Devotional Thusday 26th September TOPIC: UNPLUGGED? Posted on September Memorise: I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. John 15:5 Read: Joshua 7:7-12 Besides isolation from the source of fire & wrong company,another factor dat could cause a firebrand to lose its fire is when it is unplugged. Take for example the electric pressing iron: if it is plugged to d power source, no matter how many clothes you iron with it, it will remain hot. But assuming while you are ironing,somebody unplugs it from the power source, you will continue ironing until the time you check, the iron would have gone cold. Many leaders have gradualy become cold unknowingly and as a result, they are ineffective in their spiritual asignments. This happened to Samson. While he was toying with strange women, Delilah unplugged him from his source of power. He woke up and thought things were still the same, only to find out that he had been reduced to the level of the natural, having lost the supernatural edge (Judges 1:18-20). You cannot toy with the sins of pride, disobedie nce and immorality and expect things to be the same. In Josh 7:1-9, the children of Isreal suffered a most avoidable and disgraceful defeat from Ai. Their leader did not just ignore it but sought God’s face concerning it. In verses 10-12, God told him the defeat was because He withdrew His support as a result of the sin of some of them. If you are no longer feeling God’s presence, check your life. If the Holy Spirit is no longer moving you like He used to, check yourself. It s possible God is d one you are now contending with since you sinned. Trace the point you were unplugged. Repent with all sincereity and get connected again. Are you separated from God, get reconected. Pay whatever price He wants of you until you are re-plugged. You cannot serve God without His backing. So seek His face today until you find Him. KEY POINT: Any time you break off the Vine, you are left to handle issues and challenges with your own strength.
Posted on: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 06:36:29 +0000

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