Open Letter to our Community: This invitation is positively - TopicsExpress


Open Letter to our Community: This invitation is positively directed to all the individuals, families, entrepreneurs, business owners, groups, schools, organizations and collectives in the North Lake Tahoe and Truckee area designed to provoke thought and inspire motivation to the masses. It is a calling for progressive change in the sum of our collective practices and is aimed to raise awareness on every level. Best put, this is a simple recognition to who WE really are and is the carefully articulated reasoning behind why WE do what WE do. This is OUR defining moment in time and we will go down in history as the community who opened the eyes of the world. Times are changing right in front of us. With everything going on across the globe right NOW, WE need to step up and provide guidance to those not as fortunate because deep down WE all know how lucky WE are to live in one the most amazing and inspiring places on Earth and appreciate that without the support from the rest of the world, Tahoe would not be the same. So much attention is already focused up here where everyone is “Living the Life” and “Has it so good.” Well, this is the case because we choose it to be. We empower ourselves to live these lives. Now, let’s use our cumulative knowledge and resources to show everyone not necessarily how to live but why we live the way WE do and why WE collectively contribute more than entertainment value to society. Let’s be the change we want to see in the world. Let’s lead by example and show how, despite what the T.V., news and media are saying about how bad everything is that we are still in fact THRIVING. Look around you. This is already happening on every level and it is up to us to recognize and embrace the change we are all part of. Each of us is doing exactly what we want to do with our lives. Take the time to look closely at your friends, your family and the people you surround yourselves with and you can see that all of us are part of so much more than we see in plain sight. By looking at the bigger picture of life on Earth we subconsciously know what must be done. Just know that every single one of us has the capacity to do and be whatever we want in life. There are no limits to this. There are no limits to US. As a community there is absolutely nothing we can not accomplish. We are connected in so many ways, with a friend as an expert in every field who is more than willing to share their expertise and help with whatever we may need because all we are asking is to do the right thing by going with the natural flow of things. Everyone is thinking and feeling this so whether you choose to believe right now or not, in time you will see that it is in our best interest to view our Earth as a living organism and ourselves as caretakers. We must utilize the immense power we share to shift the collective attention of our species and focus on sustainability. There is NO other option. Check this people. Bear with me as I engage you in a massive knowledge drop, a positive thought process that will leave you informed and empowered. Those willing to endure this article in its entirety will hopefully understand the power behind the message and with your own intuition, begin to make sense of things I am going to take you down a crash course briefing as to my understanding of things with confidence because everything I present to you is FACT. Now let’s get started. Let’s first define what we are trying to accomplish. Sustainability is the ability to sustain or endure perpetually. What does that really mean? Allow me break it down for you. What is a system? Merriam-Webster defines it here as: A group of related parts that move or work together. A body of a person or animal thought of as an entire group of parts that work together. A group of organs that work together to perform an important function of the body. It is an individual unit that can exist alone, separate from anything and also as part of something else, intermingled with everything. It can exist with no interaction with the life surrounding it or it can share facets of life with everything surrounding it. That sounds pretty logical right? What is a sustainable system? 1. (Sustainable systems) Sustainability is the capacity to endure. In ecology the word describes how biological systems remain diverse and productive over time. Long-lived and healthy wetlands and forests are examples of sustainable biological systems. ... A sustainable system uses just enough energy to remain in existence. It can exist perpetually with love and affection however growth will inevitably occur the moment we grant it attention from the community in which it is part. Only the community as a whole can decide whether or not a particular system is honest and true deeming it worthy of growth and expansion. So, with that covered we can start to think about things in a new way uniting us, therefore accelerating our community development. What is thought? thought [θɔːt] the past tense and past participle of think 1. the act or process of thinking; deliberation, meditation, or reflection 2. a concept, opinion, or idea 3. philosophical or intellectual ideas typical of a particular time or place German thought in the 19th century Ok. Sure. Here is another rendition with a deeper explanation. Thought is the conscious product of our own sensory input with excess of what we perceive as time. It is produced by our brain whenever a split-second fight/flight reaction is unnecessary for survival and we can ponder the solution to an equation or reaction to an action. Time grants us thought. So what is an idea? noun: idea;plural noun: ideas;noun: the idea a thought or suggestion as to a possible course of action. they dont think its a very good idea synonyms: plan, scheme, design, proposal, proposition, suggestion, action point, brainchild, vision; thought, theory, view, opinion, feeling, belief, attitude, conclusion; More In easier terms an idea is a concept or way of doing something spawned from creative thought. It is typically a unique way to reach a solution whether needed or un-needed. It is not entirely dependent on a problem or cause but can be and is also inspired by the combination of memory, our own intuition and what we are observing. These three variables form our consciousness. We’re going deep I know, keep reading. It all comes together. So what is the fuel for an idea to spread? Honesty. As long as an idea supported by truth and fact then no bias or argument is involved therefore no friction between connection. If it feels good and is a positive concept provided to better or help the community in which it is delivered, it will spread organically. The more creative and unique an idea, the easier it spreads because it draws attention and creates excition amongst individual community members. Excition: Our collective sense of excitement through awareness. How is an idea a sustainable system? An idea is only an idea, a single unit of anything. It is only enough energy to be that unit. How should an individual interact with his/her community? Honestly. If one takes an honest look at the community in which one is involved one will provide insight and direction that will help the community grow and evolve. By doing this our community will see honesty and devotion from the individual and in turn be there, providing insight and direction for the growth and evolution of the individual. We now know what it takes for our ideas to spread and come to fruition so our inspiration for expression comes from our own intuition; knowing that we can grow any honest idea within our community and that it is encouraged. This is community engagement. How can one idea move a community to change the world? Easily. That is how life works. A unique and honest idea will spread from the most fundamental level of consciousness out. It will travel between our minds whether through our selective mechanisms of perception or intuitively. The creation of ideas will kinetically charge individuals with our community’s collective inspiration, an intrafuel compelling the spread of virgin concepts through interconnectedness to perfectly fit the greater creative design of our anticipating collective consciousness (community). Intrafuel: Energy created from our community’s excition for growth, learning, networking and sharing through interconnectedness. So keep doing what you are doing. Be yourselves. Be aware of the bigger picture and love the life you choose to lead. Do what you feel. Be creative. Spread ideas. Support our community. Above all be honest with yourself and everything will fall into place. This is our understanding of the materialization of life so far. By embracing love we help everyone and harm no one. Welcome to the state of Excition. Feels pretty good doesn’t it? Live your lives!
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 01:19:27 +0000

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