Open Letter to the Congress of the United States of America: The - TopicsExpress


Open Letter to the Congress of the United States of America: The urgent imperative to check the UN’s capital criminality in D. R. Congo, dangerously consecrated of late by the March 28 2013 UN Security Council Resolution 2098: Kigali, November 03, 2013 Attention of: The President, The George Washington University International relations students and scholars International law students and scholars Graduate students of U.S. Foreign policy in Africa with special premium on D.R.Congo, Rwanda and Burundi International politics students and scholars Ph D program students in the following areas: African studies public diplomacy cultural diplomacy political diplomacy economic diplomacy philosophy political science law The US Congress The Capitol Washington, DC The United States of America. Ladies and Gentlemen of the august Capitol: Early April 2013, Congolese Rebellion M23 fighters bracing themselves to battle it out with the in-coming UN blue helmeted soldiers of the special intervention brigade (3 000-ish officers and men from France, South Africa, Malawi, Tanzania) said with firm military determination and legitimate moral and political resolve, akin to that of the erstwhile bastardized British colonies fortissimo Rebel Colonel George Washington in the 1770s, We will defend ourselves by all means possible in consistence with fundamental human morality norms and . , said M23 fighters bracing themselves to battle it out with the in-coming UN blue helmeted soldiers of the special intervention brigade (3 000-ish officers and men). Referencing the March 28 UN Security Council Resolution 2098 prescribing a UN launched war due to start in a matter of weeks in eastern D.R. Congo to further crush the Kinshasa government abandoned and dismally debilitated populations that are totally disenfranchised; Further referencing the UN commissioned Carlsson Report issued in December 1999 that crystal-clearly established the UN’s sinister wrongdoing, heinous crimes of commission and omission with corresponding remedial responsibilities/obligations, in the 1994 Rwanda genocide; Citing the Address delivered by US President G.W.Bush in the UN General Assembly, New York, 2003 (“… The UN has dangerously become an irrelevant and redundant organization. …”); On behalf of the totally disenfranchised populations of eastern D.R. Congo in particular and the wholesomely de-politicised congolese citizenry in general, and on behalf of the leadership of M23, the Congolese rebellion currently in negotiations with the Kinshasa government, in respect of which we have mandate to run communication and diplomatic business, I have the honor and privilege to urge you, esteemed Congressmen and women, to use your good offices to preclude the extraordinarily dangerous UN’s criminality in the Great Lakes region of Africa, entailing massive manslaughter, genocide and gross violations of human rights in D.R.Congo. In a specific international context of politics and diplomacy, 10 years ago, President G.w.Bush stood before his peers in the UN fanciful general assembly’s conference room, and said with heightened vigor and evident anger, without mincing his words in the slightest degree, that the UNO had become “an irrelevant and redundant organization”. His anger was all the more shattering and boundless because of the fact that the UN lives essentially on the subsidies supplied by the US public funds: 25 % of the UN annual budget comes from the US taxpayers’ money. We attract your attention and diligence, Ladies and Gentlemen, on the paramount imperative to nullify UN Resolution 2098 prescribing UN warring sprees into the staggeringly phantom Democratic Republic of the Congo. Failure to do precisely that, Ladies and Gentlemen, will entail wantonly disastrous consequences including turning the entire Great Lakes region of Africa into a mammoth fireball, introducing Al Qaida into Congo in particular and the African Great Lakes region in general, as feared and reported by multiple political analysts across the world, compromising American interests, as well as those of other partners of the Congolese people, for decades ahead, etc. Do please note that France has once again induced the UN into very grave error and hit the world with yet another grave feat twisting international law and fouling international relations. Why did France push heavily for UN Resolution 2098 to be voted in the UN Security Council, Ladies and Gentlemen? Do please inquire into the innards of this question with in the rear view of your mind the infamous Zone Turquoise Resolution that the French diplomats stealthily got signed, not really voted, in a twinkle of an eye, in the UN Security Council in June 1994, in respect of Rwanda. The rebounding Congolese crises are precisely one of the consequences of Zone Turquoise. The future consequences of the soon to be implemented UN Resolution 2098 are immeasurable. It is most certain, however, that consequences hereof would calamitously affect regional and global security for decades to come, if care is not duly taken by relevant authority to preclude the eventuality of the UN orchestrated war in Congo. Anticipating my gratitude for your attention and diligence, esteemed peace and justice enamored Representatives of the American people, on behalf of the M23 and on behalf of the disenfranchised/voiceless eastern Congolese populations, I avail this opportunity to reiterate the assurance of our highest consideration. Ntarugera Deo Koya Communication, political & diplomatic affairs Consultant Director, Rufari International Kigali Mail Bag 2995 Kigali, Rwanda. [email protected]
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 05:28:39 +0000

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