Open Letter to the South African Youth – the DA and Otta Helene - TopicsExpress


Open Letter to the South African Youth – the DA and Otta Helene Maree née Zille are telling A BLUE LIE! ‘Lessons from Tiyo Soga and Malcolm X Kgoshi Maepa 13 November 2013 As Tiyo Soga [first of the African race in South Africa to become an ordained minister of the Gospel], a Xhosa South African journalist, minister, translator, missionary, and composer of hymns advised his coloured children, when he said: “If you wish to gain credit for yourselves – if you do not wish to feel the taunt of men, which you may sometimes well feel – take your place as coloured, not white men; as Africans, not as Englishmen...For your own sakes, never appear ashamed that your father was an African, and that you inherited some African blood. It is every bit as good as that which flows in the veins of my fairer brethren.” In another place Malcolm X – who was born Malcolm Little [an African-American Muslim minister and human rights activist and a courageous advocate for the rights of blacks] said: I have more respect for a man who lets me know where he stands, even if hes wrong. Than the one who comes up like an angel and is nothing but a devil. 1. Background We have recently been bombarded with a BLUE LIE on our television screens; the so called ‘know your DA [Democratic Alliance] campaign’ that has been greeting us in the morning and bidding us farewell on the evening news. At one point someone had to respond to this BLUE LIE that the DA is propagating – obviously the DA is targeting young people who do not know about the struggle for liberation, associated History and Heritage of our country. When listening to their new ‘Young Black Women Leader of the DA Youth’ talking to ‘Chester Missing’ in June youth month 2013, when she said that the DA did their bid to fight apartheid in 1976 and the 80’s [it is indeed heart breaking stuff] to those who know the TRUTH - and a course for serious concern. The truth is that the DA’s strategy is based on a BLUE LIE [which is NOT sustainable] and it is unfortunately DANGEROUS and vexatious to our political environment in the new South Africa; and this BLUE LIE must be exposed. The exposition must be done before the DAs cancerous propaganda, further confuse other vulnerable young people like its Youth Leader. It is really a sign of DESPERATION from the DA’s side, to distort South Africa’s History and LIE to such an extent – an OLD APARTHEID TACTIC indeed. Perhaps an analysis of who is in charge of the DA and what do they stand for, is necessary to give us proper focus! 2. Who is Otta Helene Maree née Zille? Helen Zille is a former journalist at Rand Daily Mail in the late 1970’s – she has a good record as a journo and even became Newsmaker of the year 2006 – she is very good in the field of reporting and making noise about various issues in our national life. The DA of Helen Zille is therefore famous for complaining all the time, more especially about EVERYTHING in our country [including the most void of issues without substance], sometimes Zille complains so bad that she ends up turning RED in her face [at times she even cries, especially when she is faced with the TRUTH about the lies she propagates against South Africans]. All this ‘Red Face’ and ‘crying’ is being done just to prove to her masters [THE OWNERS OF THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION], that she is working hard to confuse ‘ignorant poor Africans and Blacks’. It is in the character of Zille and the DA to complain and moan about everything in South Africa, good or bad – especially if it has anything to do with the development and progress of Africans and blacks in particular. When she was a journalist during apartheid times, she complained LESS about apartheid atrocities [except being one of the journalist who reported about the death of Biko], FAR LESSOR about the killings and oppression of Black South Africans in general and Africans in particular in the townships. To put it blunt, Helen Zille was never prepared to take the straight and narrow road like many female white anti-apartheid activists such as Ruth First [who was also a journalist and wife of Joe Slovo’s]; a women who was killed in the process and many others who ended up being incarcerated and with ridiculous jail terms like Barbara Hogan [the wife of Ahmed Kathrada and the first woman in South Africa to have been found guilty of high treason - she was sentenced to ten years in prison]. Our people need to look closely at the actions, movements and messages of Helen Zille and the DA she leads and the facts must be put to the fore. The plain fact is that she has never said anything progressive since she was appointed DA leader – nor postulated a policy issue that seeks’ to advance the poor and marginalized in South Africa [who constitute almost 75% of the population]. Instead, Helen Zille and the DA have continuously developed countless strategies and pseudo-policies to fight against democracy and liberation of Africans from colonialism, oppression and slavery by monopoly capital. In recent days [Novermber 2013] she has instructed her party in parliament to protest and reject BBBEE [Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment] and associated legislation that will advance economic transformation in our country. Since her tenure started in the DA and the Western Cape as Mayor and now Premier, sometime after Tony Leon failed with the ‘fight back campaign’ of the then DP (Democratic Party) – Africans and Blacks have been more humiliated than they were under Apartheid (e.g. reversed numbers of Employment Equity). Our people in the Western Cape have been disenfranchised than ever before; this is because her organization and “what she stands for” have NOTHING TO DO WITH BLACKS IN GENERAL AND AFRICANS IN PARTICULAR - they want to sell South Africa TRAITOROUSLY! This is painful because the DA propaganda is presenting the progressive white sector of our population as bad people - and this is NOT necessarily TRUE for all white people - the truth is that all the activities of Helen Zille and the DA are SELFISH, SELF-SERVING and NOT progressive - and are NOT a representation of the feelings and wishes of the white progressive sector of our population. 3. What is Helen Zille and DA’s mandate / programme? Helen Zille is NOT a politician but a good pre-democracy journalist, her mandate and role in South Africa is to complain to an extent that people (especially the so called ‘Black Middle Class’) defocus and become detached from the real issues of poverty, unemployment and underdevelopment. Historians, political commentators and pundits know very well that these issues that Helen Zille tries so hard to hide/downplay, are related to the legacy of apartheid and separate development, which was perpetuated by her ancestors and predecessors – and she has sworn to wake apartheid out of its silent political grave. Her idea is to present the African National Congress (ANC) and the population it leads as corrupt, incompetent and useless; the same activities that the Apartheid regime advanced against our people – as they use to say that our forebears are TERRORIST – ‘DIE SWART GEVAAR’ [just ask your Parents/Uncle what that means]. In recent months, she has worked very hard to make sure that EXPLOITATION OF BLACK FARM WORKERS IN GENERAL AND AFRICANS IN PARTICULAR CONTINUES UNABATED, IN THE WESTERN CAPE and MIDVAAL. At least most of our people have now noticed that Helen Zille and the DA are tirelessly making sure that where the DA leads, our democratic government’s agenda and its people do not progress forward. All the flagrantly wicked, impious and nefarious activities happening in Midvaal and the Western Cape are been perpetuated to take us backward and reverse whatever our progressive ANC government has achieved over the last 19 – 20 years. Not so long ago, before democracy in the Western Cape, Africans were 4th class citizens under the National Party government (now the DA) – and NOT much has changed; especially after the DA wrestled power from the ANC and its alliance in 2009 – just ask the majority poor coloured people and Africans in the Western Cape! Helen Zille and the DA are constantly doing everything possible to ensure that Africans in particular and Blacks in general continue to live in squalor and abject poverty in the southernmost tip of Africa – there are various examples to confirm this statement (e.g. Water and Sanitation in informal settlement). Especially those from the Eastern Cape and other ANC controlled provinces – people who she has famously labeled them as ‘REFUGEES’ in their own free land. This behaviour by Helen Zille and the DA is typical of the erstwhile pernicious apartheid governments mentality that resorted to influx control measures to restrict black people from the so-called white areas. As ANC formally stated; “Hellen Zilles racist statement underpins the DAs policy of exclusionism of blacks in general and Africans in particular”. Helen Zille is NOT a fool, she knows too well that when more Blacks in general and Africans in particular realize (KNOW THE TRUTH) that they are been taken for a ride in South Africa (payed less in Mines, Agriculture Farms, and excluded from Land etc. – the means of production), the white monopoly capital will withdraw their funding from her party and she will find it difficult to survive at a personal and political level. So the only way for Helen Zille and the DA to find meaning and continue getting funding, is by shouting foul play, whiles they are the once committing serious mischief and disenfranchising the poor majority in our country – stealing yet again, an opportunity for our people to benefit from their INALIENABLE RIGHTS! All the work she is doing [at all times] is to please her masters and earn more from the suffering of our people and in the process, prevent and avoid ‘Die Swart Gevaar’ – something her masters are still afraid of. In simple terms, Helen Zille and the DA are bringing back APARTHEID in the Midvaal municipality and in the Western Cape Province – through the back door. But the worrying issue is that she wants to reintroducing her apartheid tendencies using Africans as voting fodder whiles keeping her majority white voters intact, especially the African youth who she tries so hard to dance with (‘while her dancing invites derision and mockery’). This letter from me [An ANC activist], is to caution our youth about her politically evil schemes. We must tell our Black, White, Indian and Coloured youth, that she is misleading them – and her intentions are NOT pure – she is NOT progressive at all. As Malcolm X said: I have more respect for a man who lets me know where he stands, even if hes wrong. Than the one who comes up like an angel and is nothing but a devil. My intention in this open letter is in the main, a reminder to the coloured people and the Africans in the Western Cape about the immortal words of Tiyo Soga (first of the African race in South Africa to become an ordained minister of the Gospel), a Xhosa South African journalist, minister, translator, missionary, and composer of hymns when he advised his Coloured children, he said: “If you wish to gain credit for yourselves – if you do not wish to feel the taunt of men, which you may sometimes well feel – take your place as coloured, not white men; as Africans, not as Englishmen...For your own sakes never appear ashamed that your father was an African, and that you inherited some African blood. It is every bit as good as that which flows in the veins of my fairer brethren.” 4. DA distorts South African history Helen Zille and the DA in their DESPERATE move to legitimize their struggle credentials [which are NONE EXISTENT] and in their quest to hoodwinking the young black voter is conveniently using Helen Suzman as their icon [may her soul rest in peace]. They even go to an extent of showing pictures of former President Nelson Mandela with Helen Suzman “as a means to an end and NOT an end in itself” – an EVIL POLITICAL INTENT THAT IS MISLEADING TO THE YOUNG voters who might not be aware or fully knowledgeable about the history of our country. We must NOT be afraid to tell our young voters that the DA is RACIST and they are FASCIST CAPITALIST to the core – which is something different from what they are presenting themselves to be – at face value. The DA must be told, that when your boundaries are breached, you do not swing between ignoring it and flying off the handle – you need to tell the truth, because there is no cure for a guilty conscience, the only thing is to confess and tell the truth. TRUTH TALKING is the only way, and it is a method of communication that allows people to say anything and everything with grace and ease. TRUTH must be told that the DA does NOT have struggle credentials, actually they were “swimming in the same pool and dancing with the same pattern” with the National Party in oppressing and killing majority Blacks in general and African in particular for close to 50 years - they smoked from the same pipe AND COLLABORATED TRAITOROUSLY. 5. Conclusion It is therefore important for our people to realize that Helen Zille and her cohorts in the DA are nothing but ‘Wolves hiding in sheep skins’. These liberals have no respect for human dignity; all they are worried about is to make sure that they protect their personal and financial interests at the expense of true opposition politics – which are necessary in the South African body politic. It is NOT advisable for our people to get themselves involved in such mischievous politics that are self-serving and ‘clientele’ in their nature and character. It is also important to repeat the plain fact, and is that Helen Zille has never said anything progressive since she was appointed DA leader - nor postulated a policy issue that will advance the poor and marginalized in South Africa [who constitute almost 75% of the population] – let alone the youth. Helen Zille and the DA are actually fighting against everything that is progressive in South Africa, be it low wages for farm workers – she rejects; BBBEE and affirmative action – she rejects; be it free movement of our people to cities to find jobs [Zille calls them unwanted refugees] – the list is endless. The moral of the story is that the DA [Democratic Alliance] is telling a ‘BLUE LIE’ about their role in the Liberation Struggle through Helen Suzman or her association with Nelson Mandela or any other contribution whatsoever [which they claim to have done] to STOP apartheid. The fact of the matter is that THEY NEVER PLAYED ANY ROLE in fighting oppression and separate development – and if they continue to tell ‘A BLUE LIE’, we must continue to EXPOSE them! As Malcolm X said: I have more respect for a man who lets me know where he stands, even if hes wrong. Than the one who comes up like an angel and is nothing but a devil.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 12:43:28 +0000

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