(Open RP until 3 or 4 people comment. Literacy is always good. Any - TopicsExpress


(Open RP until 3 or 4 people comment. Literacy is always good. Any lines. No text talk. Use some means of separation between actions and quotes, idc what. Please post name and age of character. Also please describe physical appearance or post a pic) [mai thing is kinda long sorry lol] Name: Cassia Delilah Robinson Age: 16 Gender: Female Orientation: Straight Height: 55 Weight: Average lol Hair: Dirty blonde. More brown than blonde, though. Goes down to shoulders Eye Color: Blue Skin color: white Birthday: September 10th Known languages: English, Spanish, Pig latin xD Personality: Very shy around boys and people she doesnt know very well. Very out going around good friends. Loyal to friends when she trusts them. Likes helping people, but is very lazy at times. Doesnt trust easily, as shes been hurt a lot. Fears: Spiders, big snakes, jumping from heights (if its more than 2 feet she is scared to jump lol), being left (by someone, like if she has an attraction, shes always afraid that they will leave), and bees/wasps. Bad at: Math, being social, and cooking. Good at: Listening, procrastinating, making friends laugh Random info: Can sing, left handed, likes pastel colors, likes cheesecake, plays a bit of piano. Cassia walked down the side walk at a slow pace. Her face was pale. More pale than usual. That was because it was quite cold outside. Cassia was pretty sure it was almost freezing temperature. Despite wearing a coat, she was already starting to grow cold. She passed by a good looking pizza place, where she could smell blends of fresh ingredients when the door was opened. She wished that she had the money. After she passed that, she passed a flower shop with pretty bright flowers inside. Next, a cute little bakery. The color pallet of the bakery was pastels. Yellow, violet, and red. There were all sorts of delicious looking treats in the window. Cassia stopped to examine them. Fresh blueberry cupcakes... A roughly frosted, but still delicious looking carrot cake... soft chocolate chip cookies... Cassia realized she was taunting herself by looking at these delicious things that she couldnt have. She passed by a small clothing store, and then a candy shop. At a quick glance, Cassia didnt see any chocolate, which made it easy to walk away. She was craving chocolate.. Cassia sighed and kept walking down the sidewalk. On the off chance that she ever had money, she would always come to this lively street to buy something. However, she nearly never did. She barely even made rent. Sometimes, she had to go a whole day with one meal. She looked at all the happy people. Of course theyre happy, its nearly Thanksgiving! Cassia, however, was not happy. Unlike last year, she had no living family or friends to spend thanksgiving with. She looked at a clock inside an electronics shop. It was getting kind of late, she should be getting home. But, she didnt want to. Its not like she had anything to do .. In these moments, she always wished she had friends. But she had no money, she couldnt do anything, go anywhere... Cassia sighed yet again and began walking back up the walkway towards her home. Cassia had wandered far from her house, nearly 20 minutes. She was bored, and wondered if there was a way to get home faster. Probably not. Oh well. Cassia continued to walk, bored.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 09:12:57 +0000

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