((Open Roleplay, Max is two more people besides myself. Setting is - TopicsExpress


((Open Roleplay, Max is two more people besides myself. Setting is school and Genres: Paranormal, Romance, Action. No one liners or text talk.)) A bike made its way into the school parking lot. It was a black Ducati. A girl whom seemed to be age 17 parked. She removed her red helmet and shook her head. Her raven black hair fell down her back in curls. It was soft to the touch. The academies uniform on her body. She had curves and she wasnt one to flaunt. Her white blouse was crisp and symmetrical. The dark blue skirt fell the mid thigh. Her feet were covered in a galaxy styled high top converses. She had black ad white striped leggings under her skirt. The colors contrasted against her pale skin color and mis matched eyes. The right was currently a Icey blue and the left a deep forest green. She swung her black leather bag over her shoulders and began walking. Her face filled with no emotion. She walked into the building as the bell rang. Students ran to get to homeroom. The odd raven haired girl took her time and entered the room of her class. She stood next to the teacher, her eyes gliding over to the windows watching the shadows of the trees. To mortals she seemed different some would dare say lost. She was brought back to life when her teacher cleared her throat to silence the others. Class, it seems we got a new student here with us. I want her to feel welcome so, dear please give us your name and tell us something about yourself. the teacher asked. When the girl spoke everyone became quiet, wondering why she emotionless. My name as you say is Maud Malpha and about myself? Lets see, hmm. Oh yes, I take nothing from no one. with that said the teacher told her to sit in the back row near the windows. Maud sat down in the seat and gazed out the window. She didnt need her mind powers to know that they were whispering about her. Her heightened senses could detect them. Maud was brought out of her thoughts when her teacher cleared her throat again and the students stared. Miss Malpha, please give me your opinion on the play Romeo and Juliet. Maud frowned. She despised that play even though she read it more then once. In many other languages. Maam, my view on that ridiculous play by Shakesphere can go to hell. Before you say anything you did ask so let me carefully explain. I do not feel for the houses. The feud is ages old and barely remembered. And the fact the ages if Romeo and Juliet were odds off. She was twelve and he seventeen. At the end she was pregnant. The term love knows no bounds. is completely stupid. I do not believe that one can simply fall on love in first sight. everyone was stunned as the girl spoke. True maud had a slight accent and somewhat wise beyond her years but she always spoke the truth even in her monotoned voice. So Miss Malpha you would not mind having a small debate with someone who opposes your ideals? the teachers voice soft but yet seeming to enjoy someone who speaks their mind. Maam I would not mind it but be warned I always aim to win. a small ghost like smile tried to make its way onto her pale lips. She forced it back yelling at her emotion in her mind.
Posted on: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 09:39:53 +0000

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