Open letter to Miss Hickox, I admire your courage and bravery - TopicsExpress


Open letter to Miss Hickox, I admire your courage and bravery for your effort to treat those infected with the Ebola virus in Africa. I am sorry that your welcome back to the US was less than stellar. As per your attorney, Shes a very good person who did very good work and deserves to be honored, not detained, for it. According to your lawyer, you only plan to remain in seclusion for another day or two. I do honor you for your humanitarian efforts your courage and bravery is applauded, but as a fellow Maine resident, as a wife and mother, I PLEAD with you to comply with Governor LePages request for you to self quarantine for the 21 day incubation period. While you may not be currently exhibiting symptoms as of right now, that does not mean you are in the clear yet. Hearing that you only plan to remain in seclusion another day or two, is VERY concerning to me. I keep hearing on the news that we not need to worry about Ebola and should worry more about the flu. I agree with that to a certain degree except for one important difference: the fatality rate is much, much higher at 50% and could climb higher. As a nurse/humanitarian, my plea is to that side of you. I know it must be a huge inconvenience and sacrifice to stay isolated and away from human contact especially considering the wonderful service you just provided, but for my family and friends sake, for the greater good of the state of Maine, I beg you to please stay home and comply fully with the CDC until you are 100% in the clear. Please consider the ramifications, even if you are currently feeling fine, but suddenly fall ill in the presence of others as I understand can be the case with Ebola. Please consider the health and well being of fellow Mainers, as you did with the citizens of West Africa. Respectfully, NataLee foxnews/politics/2014/10/28/new-debate-over-ebola-quarantine-looms-as-nurse-returns-to-maine/
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 12:53:19 +0000

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