Open letter to our PM Tony Abbott on the expected arrival about - TopicsExpress


Open letter to our PM Tony Abbott on the expected arrival about 250km from Christmas Island a territory of Australia an asylum seeker boat from Pondicherry on or about the 28/06/2014 with 153 asylum seekers..There is a veil of secrecy and news blackout on asylum seeker boats posse on the grounds that it will divulge their operational plans to all and sundry including people smugglers which is not true. As any average person knows this is a ruse to circumvent the United Nations Charter of Human Rights of Refugees of which Australia is a signatory. How else can a refugee flee from his country persecuted by a tyrant who has no civility or compassion? I felt this is not acceptable and goes against the norms of the United Nation’s Charter on the Human Rights of Refugees while recalcitrant government has decommissioned under guise of Abbott government which is open slather and professed in the public domain for political advantage. Is this fair is the question at a time when the lives of these refugees are hanging in a balance with an oil leak that has sprung up in the asylum seeker boat presently in limbo in mid ocean near Christmas Island. There is in the last month a young Tamil Sri Lankan asylum seeker in Geelong Melbourne who has set himself on fire and has died and it appears to be suicide but the government won’t say why he died except to provide a commentary which is a travesty of the true picture and will not accede to the grieving families loving appeal to the Australian Immigration Minister Scott Morrison for a visa to attend the formal funeral cremation ritual who are resident in Chennai I believe. This is what the Sydney Morning Herald of 17th June, 2014 has got to say on the treatment of the late Leo Seemaniillai which is heart wrenching. “When Leo Seemanpillai is buried on Wednesday afternoon in Geelong, his mother, father and three brothers will not be there. His father cannot view his body before it is interred. His brothers will not be able to speak at the service. His mother will have no chance to cook his favourite foods – meat curries, hot roti, and semiya and sambar saatham – and leave them by his grave. Despite weeks of applications and pleas for compassion, none has been granted a temporary visa to travel from India and say goodbye to their son and sibling. Leo Seemanpillai Sri Lankan asylum seeker, 29, took his own life almost three weeks ago, after facing 18 months of uncertainty over his fate in this country. I hasten to add from a reliable source Leo Seemanpillai had received communication from Ministry of Immigration of Australia where he was living at the time that he will not be granted asylum and will be deported back to Sri Lanka to face the music from the Sri Lanka CID Criminal Investigation Department. Rajapaksa has offered Australia his well wishes, undivided friendship and help to deal with the refugees in any logic defying ways who are presently temporarily in community refugee detention camps in Geelong. This seemingly helping hand by President Rajapaksa is nothing other than opportunistic and act of smoke and mirrors and is not helpful but a spanner in the works of these refugees’ lives and to draw wool over the eyes of his critics unfortunately are not in a position to be heard by President Rajapaksa or PM Tony Abbott in order to torture them once back in Sri Lankan soil so that they will be mangled and maimed so that they cannot make another attempt at fleeing Sri Lanka or revert back to safe sanctuary and haven offered by the Tamil Nadu state government. I am a Sri Lankan Tamil of 68 years old living since 27 years in Sydney Australia happily but have concern for my brothers over in Sri Lanka and I have been through persecution myself in the hands of the majority community and feel for these asylum seekers who have undergone mind boggling torture in the hands of the ruthless Sri Lanka Army. You may be aware of Sarath Fonseka the army commander in command of the battalion which killed 50000 innocent Tamil civilians in Mullaitivu and Mullivaikaal in 2009 war is under indefinite house arrest les he provides War Crimes witness to the foreign media is proof of insecurity in Sri Lanka whether Tamil or Sinhalese if you are a thorn in his ignominious design of a Sinhala only Sri Lanka.. I trust you will give my appeal the urgent and compassionate attention it deserves. On behalf of all the Sri Lankan Tamil community all over the world including the 153 refugees who are in the jaws of a certain death in the hands of the Australian Sovereign Borders Authority’s inhuman treatment of refugees if providence does not intervene.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 02:26:27 +0000

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