Open letter to the University of Namibia Debating Society(UDEBSO), - TopicsExpress


Open letter to the University of Namibia Debating Society(UDEBSO), The UDEBSO Executive and the General Members of the UDEBSO. The Rookie Tournament: 1. It has come to my attention that the Rookie tournament is being CA’d by Ivan Limbo, a Polytechnic speaker. 2. UDEBSO has its own in-house CA, Katji Katjivena that has proven in the past to be able to run tournaments within the society and outside without much trouble. 3. This year at Nationals we had at least 4 of our adjudicators breaking very high on the tab, and going on to chair the break rounds, including the Finals. Some of these competent in-house adjudicators are Gordon Joseph, Maria, Vlad and Cynthy. 4. As far as I’m informed Cliff has not consulted anyone on his employment of Ivan Limbo’s services, and there were no applications for possible CA’s for this tournament. Debaters with a lot more experience in the society were not asked to come and judge the rookie tournament. Why is that so? Noting all of the above, I also hear that our CA has now quit the society, the reasons seem to be that he asked Cliff why Ivan was CA’ing the tournament, and got an answer that wasn’t to his satisfaction. Also the fact that you are using Ivan instead of giving the UDEBSO Adj as chance to run a small tournament, so that they can learn and grow as adj is very unnecessary and damaging to our members ability to learn within their own society. Also, why is Cliff making decision on his own when he has a Executive, and from what I’ve heard before and from what is happening now, has done the same thing in the past. I’m not going to waste my time talking about Elitism within our society. I would just like the above answered or cleared up. Keith.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 09:29:22 +0000

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