(Open roleplay. No text talk. Para. CeilxOc. Para. One liners - TopicsExpress


(Open roleplay. No text talk. Para. CeilxOc. Para. One liners allowed. Need Grell Ceil etc...) Grell was out on the town reaping the souls on his to die list. He had just taken care of a Fat old perv and was currently on his to take another soul. He looked down at the list. Hmm..lets see.! Piper Bird. Age three. Oh how sad. Cause of death; Slaughter and sacrificed. Oh dreadful! Grell whined as she searched for the girl. Soon Grell found the young girl locked in a cage. The young saw him just as he made to hide. She looked over at him with a rosy tint to her checks. She smiled warmly at him. I love your hair. Reds my favorite color. You look really pretty in it to., she looks down sadly. Unlike me. Grell stared at the girl is shock but quickly hid as three men in Cloaks stomped into the room. One was carrying a big knife ingraved with Latin words. They opened her cage and threw the girl to the ground. The girl whimpered. Two of the men held her down while the other positioned the knife right at her heart. One behind her pointed one at her throat. The child started crying. Grells anger got the best of him. He instantly tackled one of the men and snapped his neck. The other two became scared and ran away. Grell scooped up the poor girl who passes out. Oh look at how cute you are! Just so precious. Im going to keep you!, he Shouted as he left with the girl in his arms. Later that night Grell somehow convinced William to let her stay and Become a Reaper.) 8 1/2 years later Grell and Piper hopped from roof to roof racing each other. Piper laughed when Grell ran into a Chimney. Grell playfully growled at her and quickens his pace. He soon disappears when he jumps off the roofs. Piper groans and follows him. Finally she finds Grell Harassing a butler. She jumped from the roof. Mama Grell? What are you doing? She asked innocently.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 16:52:42 +0000

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