((Open rp: Minimum 3 lines. Need a princess and few guards)) - TopicsExpress


((Open rp: Minimum 3 lines. Need a princess and few guards)) *Lost in the nightmare of eternal sleep . Completely forgotten who he was and what he really wanted to be. Consumed by his own anger that turned into his hatred and malice which corrupted him. Devoured by his own darkness and immense power. And lost himself completely in the darkness. He gave up everything that he earned till now , his pride, his honour and succumb to his darkside.* Where am I? Am I lost? Am I forgotten? Why should I care? I gave up and let my darkness takeover me. I couldnt care less of whats going to happen next because doesnt concern me.* He was laying in a pitch dark place and slowly closed his eyes. It was his nightmare which he was having. [His inner dark side: Finally. You gave up. This is the type of world that isnt worth fighting for. Atleast you realised it now. I will take over from here Taichi. *He slowly opened his eyes and a blinding flash of light hits his eye making him close his eyes. It was his sword which was stabbed to ground which reflected the moon light on his face. He slowly woke up and grabbed the hilt of his sword. As he looked at his hand, it was covered in blood. He was a bit shocked and looked around. He found many dead corpses of imperial dark knights and many arcane mages. A tear rolled down his cheek but his face was expression less. His soul was crying in pain. Taichi was crying but his dark side was enjoying it and was feeding on his pain and grief. He felt helpless as the dark side slowly took over. He slowly stood up and smirked. He was overwhelmed by his dark side and was no longer the kind hearted Taichi.* *The night was completely dark as the moon wasnt visible. It was a new moon night and the atmosphere around was tranquil. The silence of the night was broken by the cry of an owl. * *The young boy had a face which remsembled an innocent kids face . He looked likd a teenager whose age maybe around between 16 to 17. He was fairly tall and had height of 59. He was wearing a white vest which was stained and drenched in blood. His body was surrounded and entangled by chains. He was wearing blue Jeans with normal sport shoes. He was carrying 2 thin katanas sheathed at his waist on both sides. He was holding a scythe in his one hand.* *As he tried to walk away he heard a rustling sound on the grass. A knight was alive. He was crouching on the grass and trying to escape. He slowly walking towards him and unsheathed his sword from his waist and stabbed his leg. Then he pulled the sword out. He walked towards his head and pointed his sword at his neck . * [Taichi inner side: Stop it. I wont let you do it. ][Dark side: I can do whatever I want . Im free. You cant stop me. You gave up.][ Taichi: Yeah I did. But I realized whats important. Even they have the right to live. I wont let you have my body] .* Taichi screams as his body was in great pain. As he tried to force the other soul out. His shadow became longer and took shape of a being . The other soul came apart from his body and merged with the shadow. The shadow faded into darknes and Taichi fell to his knees crying.* *After a while he heard footsteps. He looked around and found he was surrounded by imperial knights army. They were ordered by the princess to capture Taichi who had gone insane. 2 of the knights point their swords at his neck. Taichi didnot resist as he felt guilty. He was dragged from the battlefield and thrown at the kindoms dungeon. He was chained to the walls.*
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 14:34:39 +0000

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