Open thread for night owls: FAIR TV takes a few well-deserved - TopicsExpress


Open thread for night owls: FAIR TV takes a few well-deserved pokes at Henry Kissinger ::posted Mon, 15 Sep 2014 03:00:03 +0000:: rss@dailykos (Meteor Blades) Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting each week offers a brief critique of a few matters covered by the U.S. media: Blast from the Past. At Daily Kos on this date in 2011—Bill would allow lightbulb manufacture within Michigan, but not to create jobs: The campaign to keep old-school, inefficient, incandescent lightbulbs is near and dear to the hearts of House Republicans, including Michele Bachmann. But despite that, the bulbs are to be phased out. How crazed do Republicans get on this subject? Michigan state Rep. Tom McMillin has introduced a bill that would let Michigan firms manufacture incandescent bulbs. The bills (PDF) logic is that: An incandescent lightbulb that is manufactured in this state without the inclusion of parts, other than generic or insignificant parts, imported from outside of this state and that remains within this state has not entered into interstate commerce and is not subject to congressional authority to regulate interstate commerce. Thats the logic of how the bill is legally valid, anyway. On other fronts, logic remains scarce. Since transporting Michigan-manufactured bulbs to other states would be interstate commerce, what McMillin is proposing here is an incandescent lightbulb industry for Michigan only. If Ohio wanted incandescent bulbs, theyd have to pass a law and manufacture their own. Tweet of the Day So, what happened on #meetThePress today? Said no one Ive seen today.— @Shoq Every Monday through Friday you can catch the Kagro in the Morning Show 9 AM ET by dropping in here, or you can download the Stitcher app (found in the app stores or at Stitcher), and find a live stream there, by searching for Netroots Radio. High Impact Posts. The Weeks High Impact Posts. Top Comments [Forwarded by the MyLeftBlogosphere news engine. Link to original post below:]
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 10:00:22 +0000

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