Open your eyes. This is the thing that solves your problem - if - TopicsExpress


Open your eyes. This is the thing that solves your problem - if you want to do that for some reason. https://youtube/watch?annotation_id=channel%3A532e9739-0-219c-8fb5-bcaec5171b21&feature=iv&src_vid=HMcYodxE-WA&v=zpNgsU9o4ik Love the Onion, though I could see Picsong selling. Frankly this is how Ive felt with Instagram (PicSong and Instagram are essentially the same thing to me), and Twitter, Vine, OSX Mountain Lion add ons, Kinect/Wii and other quasi-useful crap which (to me) are innovations for innovations own sake. I wont argue against their success, but more and more inspiring adaptations are basically backwards innovation for me. By this I mean most newer products I tested or purchased in the past five years have consistently left me thinking: This change or update was clunky or unnecessary and I preferred what I had before, warts and all - e.g. phone, computer, video games, even clothing and furniture styles that are seemingly coordinated from some dickhead on high. I dont want to hear about some trivial new feature rambled to me in the tone of revelation (looking at you Apple Store). This tells me Im ready to become a pretentious fossil but cant because some vapid crowd is throwing money at the moronic and eroded the pace and style of development I prefer. I have a right to the same tech snobbery as a Ted Talk audience, I just dont have the illusion of superiority from numbers and advertising. I would and do opt-out where I dont need the product to survive socially and professionally. I do, however, have to use whatever range of shit products Twitch-plays-capitalism decides on. I get business acumen, but overdevelopment takes more resources to make and run the product. The consumer gets fatigued if not desperately insecure that the latest technology sweep has passed them by. Drives me nuts, gotta keep up with the flash that makes fanboys wet themselves. An example of form over function: I do not want to use my computers ability to handle ultra smooth animation for websites - I want simplicity over useless glitz. I just want it to work securely and consistently using as little energy as needed.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 20:59:01 +0000

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