Opening Bell Rings as Every Superstar Is Attacking Heath - TopicsExpress


Opening Bell Rings as Every Superstar Is Attacking Heath Slater..Now The Rock with A Rock Bottom to Heath Slater..And now as Slater pulls himself back up slowly a Last Call Super kick from James Storm..Now The Hurricane picks Slater up and does The Hurri-Chokeslam..Now Curtis Axel picks up Slater and hits the Neckbreaker..Now DDP With A Diamond Cutter To Slater! They all ganging up on Slater..Now David Knight Takes out Slater to the Apron and Does the KOD On Slater..And Slater has been Eliminated The Nuborn Champ has been Eliminated…Now The Rock goes to Curtis Axel and starts with Jabs to the Face of Axel and now more..Now A People’s Punch to Axel and Axel falls to the Mat! Now Rocky stomps on Axel while in the Bottom Corner..And The Rock Taunts and waits for Axel to get up..Now Rocky with a Spinebuster to Axel And Now Kevin Steen and Hurricane are going at it..Steen with a Strong right punch to the Face of Hurricane and Hurricane leans against The Ropes..And Steen with A Clothesline and Hurricane has been Eliminated! And now here’s David Knight and takes out Kevin Steen from out of nowhere and Now Steen can’t Believe and Now Here comes DDP And hits David knight from behind with a Clothesline! Now DDP Picks up David Knight and was going for the Cutter But David Knight with the KOD..!! Now David Knight picks up DDP And Takes out DDP Onto the Apron and Now James Storm wit ha Last Call Super kick to David Knight but David Knight ducks and Storms Hits it on DDP And DDP Has been Eliminated..Now David Knight with The KOD On James Storm and here’s The Rock and a Rock Bottom To David Knight..Now Curtis Axel With A Fisherman Suplex to The Rock..And Axel is the One Standing Only..Now Axel Goes for James Storm and Attempts to Eliminated Storms..And Now Axel with a Shoulder block to Storms and James Storms has been Eliminated..Now Axel Turns around and now Rocky and Knight are pulling themselves back up Slowly..And Axel is staring at them..Now David knight takes out The Rock onto the Apron and Knight attempts for a Clothesline but Rocky pulls down the Ropes..Now Both men are on the Apron! And now here’s Curtis Axel and With a Big Boot to the Face of Rocky and The Rock has been Eliminated.. And Now Axel with a Clothesline and he eliminates David Knight! “ Here is your winner and Final Collision Superstar qualifying to the Money In The Bank Ladder Match, Curtis Axel!”
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 00:25:33 +0000

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