Operation Fortune Debrief The partners and Directing staff at - TopicsExpress


Operation Fortune Debrief The partners and Directing staff at Airborne Airsoft would like to thank everyone who attended Operation Fortune and fought hard all for what was a gritty set of contacts between both sides. With NATO starting in possession of Longmoorsikstan village they had made full use of new Intel sources available to them and had started planning in earnest and came up with what was a well thought out defensive strategy making good, effective use of clearance patrols who in turn called in their back up in the form of the NATO QRF which was poised back at HQ waiting to deploy – by all accounts everyone rotated through all of the roles as planned and NATO worked hard to defend their forward operating base in the village. The Jafar dogs probed hard all day and took the fight to NATO but never truly managed to break the ring of steel thrown up by the beleaguered NATO forces. With a ring of spotters supporting the clearance patrols and QRF NATO ZERO Stuart Usher was able to provide excellent leadership to the team and guided his troops onto threats as they arose, everyone playing their role perfectly. It was commented by a member of the British military present on site at the time “Oh, you have some regulars here playing” when the protection detail put a mission in to secure the Diplomat, Sir Arthur Pilkington Smyth from the HLS as he began his round of inspections of NATO resources to ascertain whether this particular base of operations should be closed down or not. That’s a good testament to the professionalism demonstrated by players at Op fortune from both sides. It wasn’t as one sided as it sounds however as the Jafar steadily went about their own missions securing the parts they required to arm the PINPOINT Suitcase Tactical Airburst Nuke (S.T.A.N.) with their primary objective to allow the G8 conference to begin prior to their main attack. They had two options: Use the nuke to destroy the embassy or to storm the embassy and kill everyone inside. Working to strict timings and deadlines King Jafar launched probing and distraction missions throughout the day but the jafar dogs never really got the momentum they needed to go all out and take NATO down bit by bit – Had they grouped their forces and launched large attacks instead of piecemeal ventures they may have found NATO stretched and found that extra bit of will to win on the day. As the main Jafar assault went in to take out the embassy with the S.T.A.N. NATO called in all clearance patrols and their QRF to repel what was a last ditch attempt to take out their most sensitive location. Just as the Jafar bomb team carried the nuke towards the embassy the would be bombers were intercepted and taken out with precision sniping and the nuke was seized by NATO forces who, rather than secure it in their Armoury decided to store it at the embassy, the jafar primary objective! However such a turn of fortune was not to be and as the day drew to a close NATO had shown a master class of defensive strategy and stayed on mission all day and worked hard for their win. On a funny note, NATO did manage to cause more casualties on their own team than what the Jafar did and they were clearly playing as an American contingent on the day as levels of blue on blue attacks in the village witnessed by directing staff were reportedly high, including a Jav strike called in to take some ‘enemy’ out only to find they had just ‘’Javved a building full of NATO guys. It made me laugh when I received the call in Brecon. As it was, The Jafar spectacular was defended against but King Jafar and his rebel dogs lived to fight another day, sloping off back into the Snora Bora mountains, no doubt to hatch their next plan to install ‘Whyaye’ law once again into Longmoorsikstan. NATO celebrated a strong victory with the token tea and medals and a promise of a pack of Bonio dog biscuits for the Jafar dogs at the next instalment of Total War, Op Phoenix. As always I would personally like to thank the directing staff for their professionalism and making the event possible and for all the customers who attended the event. It is an honour and a privilege to have customers like you attending our events and to keep seeing familiar faces popping up as well as lots of new ones who we hope to see back. We truly do have a higher calibre of player at our milsim events so let’s keep up the good work and fair play and get your mates who haven’t experienced milsim at its best along to Op Phoenix. Airborne Airsoft Partners and directing staff airborne-airsoft.co.uk
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 20:04:01 +0000

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