Operation Longbow Debrief The partners and directing staff at - TopicsExpress


Operation Longbow Debrief The partners and directing staff at Airborne Airsoft would like to thank everyone who attended Operation Longbow and fought hard all day in searing heat for what was a gritty set of contacts between both sides. With the Jafar dogs starting in possession of Longmooriskstan village re invigorated by the presence of their new leader Mustapha Wank, codename: Longbow it was up to NATO to gain an appreciation of the terrain and jafar dispositions and were accordingly tasked with a reconnaissance mission. Deciding that reconnaissance was for girls, NATO leader Captain Darling decided to go over the top with his troops in a full frontal assault over the train tracks and straight into the village where they were quickly pinned down and their javelin crew along with a whole section quickly taken out by Jafar insurgents defending a stronghold with further Jafar reserves deploying and outflanking NATO forces, pushing them deeper into the village which was predominantly in rebel hands. With rumours of an enemy attack, rebel leader Longbow decided to inspect his troops and see the fight for himself however due to a well drilled close protection team NATO forces were unable to capitalise on this opportunity and take him out before he had withdrawn to the safety of his cave in the Bora Snora mountains. NATO did claw back some points identifying the Jafar Jazaeera broadcasting station before receiving Intel that hostage Max Bone was in bound, about to be dropped off at a Jafar safe house by the sleeper cell holding him and a plan was hastily put in place to hit the van and rescue the hostage before it made it into Jafar held territory. Sadly though the hit team arrived at the ambush point too slowly and didn’t get in position until the van was already driving past and couldn’t take the chance of unloading into it for fear of hitting the hostage. After a lap of Longmooriskstan parading the hostage, Max Bone was deposited at the safe house and received by a well organised Jafar contingent who tried to get him into the safety of the cells in the basement of Jafar Jazeera broadcasting station ready to make the allotted satellite broadcast of the execution of their hostage. A hasty NATO counter attack almost prevented the hostage being secured however the rescue team were themselves pinned down whilst Bone was ushered away blindfolded into the depths of the village and to the Jazeera block. Despite a sniper squad trying to take out the defenders, NATO were unable to secure Jafar Jazeera house and sadly, Max Bone, the top ATO in NATO was executed, on a televised broadcast that has shaken the west to its foundations. The Jafar celebrated their success with lots of chanting of Allahu Akbar and random firing into the air. With the first part of Jafar mission INSHALLAH complete Longbow order his two martyrs to carry out the suicide missions and further break the will of the western infidels. In the meantime NATO located the Jafar stinger cache and launched a well-planned mission to secure them and just as the plan was coming to fruition a sneaky lone jafar dog had infiltrated NATO lines and took out the command element, stopping the stinger raid in its tracks and re-securing all of the stingers. This put NATO back on the back foot and they tactically withdrew but never really managed to take the initiative from the Jafar who were successful with both suicide missions sending two martyrs off to their lives in paradise and 72 virgins each. Licking their wounds, NATO was forced to exfil from the village to regroup and live to fight another day. It wasn’t all one sided by any stretch with the NATO forces inflicting seriously heavy losses on the Jafar, a testament to their skill and experience and training but by the end of the day, they just couldn’t break the will of the Jafar who were willing to take a bullet to get to paradise. The event was concluded by a bit of fun and an opportunity to give a nice present to a couple of players and a member of the DS who had or were having recent birthdays at the event. Needless to say all the shooters who stepped up to be the firing squad enjoyed dishing out the pain! As always we the partners would personally like to thank the directing staff for their professionalism and making the event possible and for all the customers who attended the event. It is an honour and a privilege to have customers like you attending our events and to keep seeing familiar faces popping up as well as lots of new ones who we hope to see back. Some feedback received already New window trial rule It didn’t work so going back to shooting from open windows only however little sniper holes in walls etc…they are still fair game. Regen location The bane of our lives as in 4 years we have tried every variation and position for regen and someone hasn’t liked it for whatever reason such as too far, not fair enemy being too close to objectives, regen snipers and so on. Last time regen was the same and worked well, this time it wasn’t well received and we feel personally, this was due to how the players chose to re-enter the game. To counter feedback we will be erecting screens from each regen so neither side can see players re deploying and we will also give a practical demonstration of how to re-enter play tactically as from personal experience of the DS, players bimbled back into the game sometimes without using tactics or cover resulting in a lot of quick kills and people re attending regen after a very short spell out of there – remember guys, its Milsim so use tactics/fire support and cover and as a result you will get shot less – this is the reason the forces do this. Just walking out of regen will lead to you being hit regardless of where we situate it so it’s a change of tactics required which we will meet with a short training demonstration next time. Don’t say we aren’t good to you lot! We try to mix it up and take on board feedback so expect some new stuff for the next event, date tbc and also keep your eyes peeled for our “Total War” weekender we are planning for September where we hope to run the largest milsim event held in the UK run in association with Absolute airsoft. This won’t be for the faint hearted but if you want to live a scenario rather than play a game watch this space. Regards Airborne Airsoft Partners and Directing staff Utrinque Paratus
Posted on: Sun, 09 Jun 2013 19:25:20 +0000

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