Operation Northwoods. Executive Order 11110. Petrodollar and Iraq - TopicsExpress


Operation Northwoods. Executive Order 11110. Petrodollar and Iraq Libya and Syria. Thermite at 9/11. False radar drill for the Airforce while the event took place. WTC 7. Pentagon was hit by a missile, not a plane. 125ft wingspan plane leaves 60ft wide hole? Tuskagee Experiments. Plum island run by nazi scientists, West Nile Virus, Lymes Disease. Gulf of Tonkin Incident. Monsanto and their Indian Cotton Monopoly. P.S. They arent regulated or tested by the FDA(Not to mention GMO make up 95% of the supermarket and is linked to growth defects.(GMO Corn on lab rats, French study)) Fluoride in the water. Dumbing down a population with fluoride (Theres Nazi documents and Edward Bernays) SV40 and the poliovirus vaccine, 1960 (They continued to sell this cheaper less effective pill throughout the world even when they were producing a newer, better, more costly pill. Oh yeah, they didnt tell the rest of the world they had made a newer better pill. They said they only had the old one.) Standard Oils funded both sides of WW2, including Hitlers rise to power(He was Times Magazines man of the year, TWICE!). Rasputin was murdered by the Brits. London Bombing & the terrorist drills that took place at the same time, the same date, the same exact place. FEMA camps and plastic coffins. The Patriot Act. Obamas unconstitutional actions list. The Rothchilds and the Rockafellers New World Order. George Bush Sr.s New World Order. Media Propaganda. George W Bush admits the goverment tells the media what to say(https://youtube/watch?v=YWTiffTQs0I) Eugenics in America. Eugenics in Nazi Germany. The National Security Agency was invented by Hitler. Hitler and gun control. When democracy falls what rises? DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH! We do not live in a perfect world. One man owns half the wealth of the globe, he owns our entire food supply, he owns military manufacturers, his family controls the price for gold. Its time to wake up America. Its time to realize you have all been duped, the media is right less than half the time it states a fact and they dont bother fact checking either. Propaganda, Fighting a foreign threat, gun control, militarization, brainwashing. Sounds like the Nazis right? We have something else in common, Hitler has a Youth Army, Obama has a Youth Army... Oh its harmless, theres nothing coming come on you crazy conspiracy theorist. https://youtube/watch?v=LSGZ4Hkdyg4
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 07:44:43 +0000

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