Operation reporting for 04-01-15 Zabihullah Mujahid 6 killed - TopicsExpress


Operation reporting for 04-01-15 Zabihullah Mujahid 6 killed as enemy posts, convoy attacked in Kunar KUNAR, Jan. 04 – A series of Mujahideen attacks on the enemy’s military posts and convoy have killed at least 6 local puppets in eastern Afghanistans Kunar province, Mujahideen correspondent says. According to reports, Mujahideen fighters, in an almost simultaneous operation, raided three of the enemy posts and ambushed the military convoy in Khas Kunar district of the abovementioned province earlier on Saturday, killing 6 minions including 3 Arbakis, 2 border police and 1 soldier of ANA. Bagram airbase hit with missile strikes PARWAN, Jan. 04 – Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate Saturday evening attacked the US invaders largest airbase, the Bagram airbase situated in Bagram district of northern Afghanistan’s Parwan province, firing two missiles into the compound of the airbase, says a report without offering more information on the enemy casualties. American trooper killed as US invaders encounter blast PARWAN, Jan. 04 – An American invader is reported to have been killed and another one wounded in an explosion in northern Afghanistan’s Parwan province. The blast occurred near Bagram airbase in Bagram district of above-stated province later on Saturday, the report added, further saying that after a little while Mujahideen fired two missiles into Bagram airbase both of which landed in the compound. There are no reports of the enemy casualties though. Two puppets killed in bomb attack in Khost KHOST, Jan. 04 – Two policemen of ANP, the puppet police forces are reported to have been injured Saturday in a bomb explosion buried in a roadside in in the limits of the provincial capital of Khost province. Dozens killed after enemy post attacked NANGARHAR, Jan. 04 – Scores of puppets have been killed in eastern Afghanistan’s Nangarhar province during intense fighting between puppet forces and Mujahideen fighters in Chaprihar district of this province. The gun battle caused by Mujahideen attack on the enemy post located in Chaprihar district of the province in a dozen of the puppets were killed or wounded. 4 killed as military post overrun in Kunar KUNAR, Jan. 04 – Three puppets are reported to have been killed during a clash in Dankam district of Kunar province on Saturday that erupted after the enemy attempted to reclaim their outpost conquered by Mujahideen previously. Shortly afterwards, Mujahideen fighters attacked an enemy base not far from the one Mujahideen had overrun, leaving two puppets including a commander terribly wounded, reports added, further saying that the commander sustaining life-threatening injuries died of the wounds later on. 4 military posts dismantled in Kunduz KUNDUZ, Jan. 04 — The Islamic Emirate’s combatants attacked several military posts of the puppet forces in northern Afghanistan on Saturday, targeting four enemy posts in Chahar Darah district of Kunduz province that led to killing several puppet soldiers and left many others injured, Mujahideen officials said. The fighting lasted over five hours, ending in the overrunning of four enemy’s outposts, where No Mujahideen suffered any losses with the help of Allah Almighty. 5 puppets killed in clash in Logar province LOGAR, Jan. 04 - At least 5 puppet soldiers are said to have been killed in Afghanistan’s Logar province during fierce fighting between Mujahideen fighters and the enemy forces. The gun battle erupted on later on Saturday as the enemy, attempting to patrol an area on the outskirts of Baraki Barak district of the aforesaid province fell into an ambush that led to killing five enemy soldiers and left a dozen wounded. Mujahideen seized a ranger vehicle from the enemy, the report adds. Kandak (battalion) shelled NURISTAN, Jan. 04 – A report indicates that later on Saturday Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate attacked enemy army battalion locally termed Kandak in Norgram district of Nooristan province, causing the enemy severe losses. Army posts come under Mujahideen attacks NANGARHAR, Jan. 04 - A report says that the Islamic Emirate’s combatants shelled one military posts of the enemy forces in Pachir Wa Agam district of Nangarhar province on Saturday morning, adding that later Mujahideen raided yet another enemy’s post in Khogiyani district of the afore-stated province, killing and wounding a number of the minions. Check post comes under shelling LAGHMAN, Jan. 04 – Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate in Dawlat Shah district of Laghman province stormed a check post of the puppets with mortar shells on Saturday, four of which hit the target, says a report without giving the death and injury toll. Two puppets killed in bomb attack in Logar LOGAR, Jan. 04 – At least two were injured Saturday in the provincial capital of Logar province when a roadside bomb blast went off near the enemy patrol. Puppet attorney has 3 homes burned down KAPISA, Jan. 04 – There are reports stating that in the provincial capital of Kapisa province three houses with all the household stuff inside have been burned down by the order of, Habibullah Afghan, wicked and brutal lawyer who has personally monitored the incident. The house belonging to 3 villagers Miza Muhammad, Agha Gul and their brother were set on fire later on Saturday, stopping the villagers from extinguishing the fire that consumed the homes and burned them to ashes. 18 puppets killed in clashes in northern Afghanistan KUNDUZ, Jan. 04 - At least 18 puppets have been killed in Afghanistan’s northern Kunduz province during violent fighting between Mujahideen combatants and the puppet forces after Mujahideen ambushed the enemy in Ali Abad district of the aforesaid province, Al-Emarah correspond says. The gun battle erupted later on Saturday evening as the enemy combat patrol convoy fell into Mujahideen ambush laid on the outskirts of Ali Abad district and went on for more than an hour in which as many as 18 puppets were killed 4 others sustained life-threatening injuries. Two enemy armored fighting vehicles have also been destroyed after being shot by Mujahideen fighters. In another report from this province, Mujahideen attacked two of the enemy posts in Chahar Darah district of Kunduz province later at night, causing the enemy deadly losses. Armored fighting vehicle shattered amid clash BAGHALN, Jan. 04 – Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate battled the puppet forces in Doshi district of Baghlan province last night, leaving scores of military personnel of the hireling army dead or wounded with destroying an armored fighting vehicle, according to Al-Emarah News report. Gun battle leaves 5 puppets killed WARDAK, Jan.04 – Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate ambushed the enemy while doing a foot patrol in Syed Abad district of Wardak province early this morning, leaving 5 lapdogs of so-called ANA dead, a report says. Mine blast leaves one puppet dead in Paktia PAKTIA, Jan. 04 – A puppet soldier got killed with another one wounded in a bomb attack in the provincial capital of Paktia province on Sunday, according a to news report. 2 killed, 5 injured in Badakhshan battle BADAKSHAN, Jan. 04 – Two puppets were killed with a further five wounded during clashes with Mujahideen that flared up in northern Afghanistan’s Badakhshan province early Sunday after the enemy’s ground offensive backed by aerial support, Al-Emarah correspondent say Sunday. The fighting broke out in Tagab district of the province as the enemy was trying to advance their offensive in the area in which two enemy soldiers got killed with a further five injured, he further said, adding that the area was scene of heavy fighting which was going on. Many killed in gun battle in Nangarhar NANGARHAR, Jan. 04 – A clash was reported between Mujahideen fighters and the puppet forces in Bati Kot district of Nangarhar province on Sunday but it is unclear how many have been killed or wounded. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Qari Yousuf Ahmadi 6 killed and wounded in Marjah ambush HELMAND, Jan. 04 – A half hour firefight broke out in Qari Sadai area of Marjah district 04:00 pm yesterday following a Mujahideen ambush on the enemy foot patrol during which 3 gunmen were reportedly killed and 3 others wounded. It is said that a Mujahid was also injured in the fighting. 7 gunmen killed in Maiwand, APC destroyed KANDAHAR, Jan. 04 – Reports from Maiwand district say that Mujahideen carried out an armed attack from 11:00 am till 01:00 pm yesterday on an enemy check post located in Kala Shamir region resulting in 1 gunman killed and the rest forced to flee, abandoning their positions. Later police arrived from the district center for reinforcements, triggering an IED which blew apart an APC, killing 6 puppets onboard and critically wounding commander Dawud. Meanwhile a sniper in Spozo area shot dead 2 guards of Kat check post at around 05:30 pm local time Saturday. Police attacked in Lashkargah, APC shot HELMAND, Jan. 04 – Hireling police trying to erect a new check post on the main road in Shindak Manda area of Lashkargah at 04:00 pm yesterday, sparking a one hour clash in which an APC was also shot however the losses inflicted could not be determined. Arghandab blast kills 2 hireling gunmen ZABUL, Jan. 04 – 2 hireling gunmen from Badam check post in Arghandab district were killed following an IED blast 11:00 am yesterday. Police officer surrenders in Shahwalikot KANDAHAR, Jan. 04 – A police officer from Kakarhi village of Shahwalikot district repented his mistakes and surrendered himself to Mujahideen in his hometown on Friday. Enemy commander killed in blast, post attacked URUZGAN, Jan. 04 – An enemy check post located in Chora district’s Ashzo area was attacked by Mujahideen yesterday morning, likely causing the enemy losses. Also Saturday, a bomb was set off on the enemy at around midday in Kush Khadir area, killing the check post commander Akhtiar. Twin blasts wound 2 gunmen HELMAND, Jan. 04 – 2 hireling ANA gunmen were wounded 11:00 am yesterday when twin bombs detonated on their foot patrol in Hazar Meshti area of Musa Kala district. Commander, guard wounded in Almar FARYAB, Jan. 04 – A hireling enemy commander – Bur – was wounded along with his guard 11:00 am yesterday when Mujahideen opened fire on them in Almar district’s Bukhara Qala area. ANA trooper dies in Delararm blast NIMROZ, Jan. 04 – A bomb placed in Lakhshakano area of Delaram district detonated on an ANA foot patrol 08:00 am yesterday morning, instantly killing a gunman on the spot. Anar Dara district attacked, APC destroyed FARAH, Jan. 04 – A 2 hour armed attack was carried out by Mujahideen 11:00 pm last night on Anar Dara district HQ building and police HQ building during which an APC was destroyed however the casualties caused are not known. Key enemy commander joins Mujahideen in Kohistan SARIPUL, Jan. 04 – Khairullah Pahlawan, a key enemy commander repented his mistakes and joined Mujahideen in Kohistan district yesterday, also bringing in 4 Ak rifles and a comm. Radio. Gunman killed in Bala Baluk, another wounded FARAH, Jan. 04 – A bomb placed in Bala Baluk district’s Takhseerak area detonated on an ANA foot patrol midmorning today, instantly killing a gunman on the spot and leaving another wounded. APC shot with RPG fire in Sangin HELMAND, Jan. 04 – An armored personnel carrier of hireling troops was shot and destroyed with RPG fire 08:00 pm last night in Sangin district’s Chini Manda area however the casualties caused are unknown. Meanwhile a one hour armed attack was carried out on the enemy convoy in Charkhakyano Manda area however the losses caused are unknown. Qazi Ismail wounded in Herat city HERAT, Jan. 04 – A key enemy figure – Qazi Ismail – a former judge of court of appeal and current advisor for court rulings was killed by Mujahideen in 11th Naiha area of Herat city 10:00 am this morning. Chef kills police officer inside Shindand police HQ building HERAT, Jan. 04 – A chef working inside Shindand police HQ killed a hireling police officer with a rifle Friday night before joining up with nearby Mujahideen. Sniper picks off 4 gunmen in Sangin HELMAND, Jan. 04 – A foot patrol of hireling ANA was targeted by snipers 01:00 pm today in Sangin district’s Majeed intersection leaving 3 gunmen dead. Also today, a police officer was shot dead with sniper fire close to the district bazaar in Sur Ghwagyano area. Babaji blast kills and wounds 2 gunmen HELMAND, Jan. 04 – A hireling Arbaki militiaman was killed and another wounded 11:00 am today when a bomb detonated on their foot patrol in Naqilo area of Babaji district. Arbaki perishes in Pusht Rod FARAH, Jan. 04 – An Arbaki militiaman perished 03:00 pm today after stepping on an IED in Barhangak area of Pusht Rod district. IED attack on foot patrol kills hireling trooper NIMROZ, Jan. 04 – A foot patrol of hireling ANA was targeted with a bomb in Nhalano area of Delaram district 10:00 am this morning, instantly killing a gunman on the spot. 2 enemy posts attacked in Zhiri KANDAHAR, Jan. 04 – 2 police check posts in Camp area of Zhiri district were brought under a coordinated attack last night, likely causing the enemy deadly losses while a Mujahid is also said to have attained martyrdom in the operation (may Allah accept him).
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 03:57:54 +0000

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