Operation reporting for 27-09-14 Zabihullah - TopicsExpress


Operation reporting for 27-09-14 Zabihullah Mujahid Mujahideen execute 3 highway robbers in Paktia PAKTIA, Sept. 27 – Three bandits or the highway robbers captured by Mujahideen a couple of days ago have been executed in public in Zurmat district of Paktia province. The three convicted by Islamic Emirate’s tribunal to deal with criminal cases under the Islamic Sharia law were sentenced to death penalty on Friday in Zurmat district of the province publicly. Three bandits besides involvement in armored robbery, loot and kidnaping brutally murdered a kidnapped underage boy after his parents were unable to pay the demanded ransom money. 3 American invaders killed in bomb attack LOGAR, Sept. 27 – A mine blast tore through an American armoured tank in Baraki Barak district of Logar province on Friday, leaving the tank wrecked and killing 3 US aggressors on board. Mujahideen kill 2 Arbaki militias, leave 2 others wounded TAKHAR, Sept. 27 – The Islamic Emirate’s Mujahideen attacked the patrol of the Arbakis in Ishkamish district of Takhar province on Friday, killing 2 Arbaki lapdogs and wounding 2 others. 5 Arbakis killed, 5 injured in Nangarhar attack NANGARHAR, Sept. 27 – Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate early Friday fought the enemy soldiers in Dorbaba district of Nangarhar province, leaving 3 police and 2 Arbakis killed and 5 others Arbakis wounded. One Mujahid combatant got martyred with two others wounded in the crossfire. NDS agent down in Kunduz province KUNDUZ, Sept. 27 – An agent of NDS was reported dead in Syed Abad district of Wardak province after a Mujahid sniper shot him with a sniper rifle on Friday evening. Commando officer killed in targeted attack BAGHLAN, Sept. 27 – A commando officer was shot and killed by a sniper Mujahid in Dahana-e-Ghouri district of Baghlan province on Friday. Blasts targets intelligence vehicle officer in Kunar KUNAR, Sept. 27 – A mine blast hit and destroyed the corolla car ferrying the puppet intelligence officer in Ghazi Abad district of Kunar province on Friday, says a report, adding that it is unclear whether the primary target has been killed or wounded. Also Friday, a mine blast killed another intelligence officer in Watapur district of Kunar province in the afternoon hours of the day. US invaders’ drone strikes leave 2 innocent women martyred NANGARHAR, Sept. 27 – Two innocent women have been murdered in US terrorists’ spy plane or drone strikes in eastern Afghanistan’s Nangarhar province, according a report. Al-Emarah correspondent said that early on Saturday the drone of the US terrorist forces flew over Rodat district of the province and bombed out a house belonging to a civilian, Ameer Khan, leaving two helpless women martyred and child wounded. The compound is stated to have been badly wrecked in the strikes. US armored personnel carrier eliminated in Nangarhar NANGARHAR, Sept. 27 – Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate later yesterday night attacked an armored personnel carrier crewed by the US invaders with IEDs in Chaprihar district of Nangarhar province, killing all the American terrorists aboard the tank. 11 joint enemies killed, 8 injured in Kunduz fight KUNDUZ, Sept. 27 – Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate battled with the enemy forces within the limits of Kunduz city, the capital of the province of the same name on Friday, killing 4 puppets of ANA, 3 Arbaki lapdogs, 2 police and two minions of what they call special forces. 3 police killed in shootout in Kunduz KUNDUZ, Sept. 27 – Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate exchanged fire with the police in the provincial capital of Kunduz on Saturday in which three policemen were killed or wounded. Arbaki militia shot dead in Wardak WARDAK, Sept. 27 – An Arbaki militia got killed in sniper attack by Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate in Jaliz district of Wardak province on Saturday. 3 killed, 3 injured as vehicle tank hits IEDS PAKTIKA, Sept. 27 – At least three puppets were killed with another three injured Saturday when a mine blast remotely detonated hit and blew an enemy tank to pieces in Khair Kot district of Paktika province. 2 killed, 4 hurt as enemy base raided by Mujahideen KUNAR, Sept. 27 – Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate later on Saturday conducted a full-scale attack on the enemy base, inflicting structural damages to the installation and leaving two puppets dead with a further four wounded. Bombing kills five in Ghazni GHAZNI, Sept. 27 – At least five puppets were killed or wounded in bomb explosion taking place in Shalgar district of Ghazni province on Saturday. Bagram Airbase struck with missiles PARWAN, Sept. 27 – Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate Saturday afternoon attacked Bagram airbase with missiles and heavy arms fire. Nevertheless, the extent of the attack has yet to be determined. Two puppets killed in gunfight PAKTIA, Sept. 27 – Two puppets are reported to have been killed with another one wounded in an exchange fire with Mujahideen in Zurmat district of Paktia province on Saturday. 7 puppets join Mujahideen in eastern Afghanistan NANGARHAR, Sept. 27 – A reports says that four puppets of ANA surrendered to Mujahideen in Achin, 2 in Shirzad and 1 in Ghani Khel districts of Nangarhar province, handing their weapon over to Mujahideen. Mine blast kills 6 in Wardak WARDAK, Sept. 27 – At least 6 policemen were killed Saturday as the tank the enemy was traveling in Syed Abad district of Wardak province got targeted by IEDs in Jaliz district of Wardak province. Shootout leaves 2 puppets dead, 4 injured NANGARHAR, Sept. 27 – Later on Saturday Mujahideen waylaid the minions in Bati Kot district of Nangarhar, dragging the enemy in an exchange fire that finished with killing 2 policemen and wounding at least 4 others wounded. Gun battle leaves 5 puppets dead, several injured KHOST, Sept. 27 – Later on Saturday Mujahideen ambushed the puppets in Musa Khail district of Khost, drawing the enemy in an exchange fire that ended up killing 5 puppets. 4 killed bombing in Wardak WARDAK, Sept. 27 – An explosion ripping up a vehicle crewed by the puppets killed four policemen and wounded one in Syed Abad district of Wardak province on Saturday. 4 police, 3 soldiers eliminated in Kunduz KUNDUZ, Sept. 27 – Mujahideen combatants exchanged fire with the joint enemy forces in the limits of the provincial capital of Kunduz province, taking down 4 police and 3 soldiers of puppet army. 3 puppets killed in gun battle GHAZNI, Sept. 27 – At least two puppets were killed with another one wounded in a brief exchange of fire with the Mujahideen in Dayak district of Ghazni province on Saturday. Also Saturday, a puppet was shot and dead in the provincial capital of this province. ------------------------------------------------- Qari Yousuf Ahmadi Enemy claims of beheadings, burnings in Ajiristan are baseless DAIKONDI, Sep. 27 – Heavy fighting has been taking place around Ajiristan district center and adjacent areas including Muhammad Khel, Abbas Khel, Langar, Uthman Khel and Gomaizi as Mujahideen launched clearing operations amid the ongoing Khaibar campaign. All praise is due to Allah, the enemy bases and check points around the district center are falling one after the other while the posts around the district bazaar and the compound of Haji Kadak along with 3 others which were strategic military bases have also been captured with a sizeable amount of arms and ammunition seized by Mujahideen. Similarly 4 militiamen including commander Khanjar were killed in an ambush while coming in from Gezab district as well as over 40 other enemy personnel including commander Abdul Shah killed and dozens of others wounded in the fighting which has also left 6 Mujahideen martyred and injured. Today the cowardly enemy is spreading open lies after suffering heavily at the hands of Mujahideen by stating Mujahideen have killed over 70 civilians, burnt many homes, beheaded Arbaki militiamen, are escorted by foreigners and other such fabrications. We categorically reject such enemy propaganda. Such claims are far from the reality as Mujahideen are busy engaged in clashes and don’t have extra time on their hands to behead Arbakis when a bullet is a much easier, faster and in accordance to the guidance of the leadership. The Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate are fighting against the invaders and their hirelings in order to protect the lives, property and honor of its countrymen so how is it possible that such an organized Jihadi power begins acting on its own and start beheadings, killing civilians and torching their homes? Mujahideen deem it their responsibility to protect its countrymen from the brutality of the invaders and their lackeys and similarly don’t have a need for foreign nationals as all praise is due to Allah alone, the Islamic Emirate has plenty of locals Mujahideen in each corner of the country who are well versed in the art of warfare.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 07:27:44 +0000

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