Opinion: Edgar and His ‘Bamukukulu’ Pledges There is - TopicsExpress


Opinion: Edgar and His ‘Bamukukulu’ Pledges There is something deceivingly charming about the monumental pronouncements that Patriotic Front candidate Edgar Lungu has been making at his political rallies of late. Lungu has often gotten carried away with the moment and no one can blame him given the corny nurture of the majority of his supporters usually sporting berets and dark glasses only given to emotional pronouncements that easily send their fists in the air in appreciation. This has been the trend for the longest I have followed the Patriotic Front campaign rallies. Take for instance the rousing reception his threat on sorting out his number one enemy The Post Newspapers got at his Mandevu rally. One could almost think Lungu had announced a significant reduction in mealie meal prices. His pronouncement sent a wave of excitement as he announced that he will sort out Fred M’membe’s Post Newspapers by ensuring that they pay all their debts and taxes. Nothing wrong with that of course! Excerpt to a discerning voter or citizen that highlighted just how dangerous Lungu may be if handed state power. For M’membe, for all his iniquities, is a citizen of this country and deserves protection from the state under the custody of a responsible and sober head of state. But such was a threat that was roundly applauded that you could think Lungu had just announced that he had lifted the wage freeze. Lungu has confirmed that his wild pronouncements are not a one off act but was also at it in Kabwe when he announced that that money to pay off the farmers who had supplied maize to the Food Reserve Agency will be in the Kabwe banks the following day. How magical one Chagwa Lungu had been? I guess on his next stop in Kasama another pronouncement of money all of a sudden being available will be made. Maybe we have a Harry Porter here? Did he not promise Kabwe Central Member of Parliament Stephen Kapyanga that he will make him minister after the electorates openly booed him? By the time Lungu would have visited the now almost 100 districts of this country maybe we could expect 100 ministers at a fist’s hoist in the air. Have not the nurses been suddenly reinstated after more than one year of unheeded advice to reinstate them? Maybe at the next rally we could expect the wage freeze to be lifted. Or just maybe we will have a new constitution before January, 20. After all our own magician has so far done in a few days what his predecessor strong headedly refused to do. But credit to Lungu we have learnt to adopt phrases like bamukukulu, bamwana mala yambi and just maybe more of such phrases to mark the calibre of the possible next presidency. zambiareports/2014/12/23/opinion-edgar-bamukukulu-pledges/
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 09:19:27 +0000

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