#Opinion I AM NOT SPEAKING TO LOYALISTS, I AM SPEAKING TO PATRIOTS By Charles Kipkulei At the apex of the 2007/8 PEV violence, Kenya went to the brink of the precipice, one last push and we would have fallen into the abyss of total anarchy. Our God given common sense prevailed and as a nation, we made compromises for the sake of our country. It breaks my heart however to see that the lessons of 07/08 were quickly forgotten, we really never said Never Again. Selfish political interest has taken over and as usual, in typical Kenyan style, negative ethnicity resides side by side with political agitation. But theres a new monster that has found its way into this already terse situation, terrorism and religious division. This potent mix must never thrive in out country for it will create an unstoppable axis of evil that will destroy us first before we rise again. Our country is headed for dire straits at the rate of one careless polarizing comment persecond, if we dont watch it and shut it, we will not have brakes to stop us at the brink, we wont even get to the edge, we will implode simultaneously and find ourselves inanarchy at the blink of an eye. Greed for power took us there last time,shall we allow ourselves to get there again? Isay my NO and I will refuse to beat the drums of war because in the thick of war, it will matter not who was right or wrong, we shall all be on the run. I want my son togrow in peace and never know war or strife. The time for political contest an agitation is over, opposition leaders must be magnanimous and statesmen enough to accept political defeat within established constitutional order. The government of the day must take security matters seriously and realize that their most sacred duty is to defend lives, property and liberty of Kenyans. Citizens must put their country first and differentiate between party loyalty and country patriotism, not all of us will love our government but we must all love our country. The land we live on is rented from our future generations, we owe it to them to hand to them a country in one piece. I choose peace, love and unity, I choose Kenya.
Posted on: Thu, 19 Jun 2014 07:36:14 +0000

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