Opinion: Kalusha and the FIFA Wars The troubles of FAZ - TopicsExpress


Opinion: Kalusha and the FIFA Wars The troubles of FAZ president Kalusha Bwalya just don’t seem to be going away. Just when the dust surrounding his take on match appearance fees on the recently played high profile international matches seemed to be fading, the bribe scandal of 30 African heads of football associations hit home. Of all the 30 heads of the African game implicated, only the ‘King’ was prominently named and details of his having pocketed US$80, 000 (never mind he says US$50, 000) from Qatari tycoon Mohammed Bin Hammam laid bare. Just before his loyal supporters could scream blue murder, the ‘King’ went public confessing that it was true that he had received money from Bin Hammam as reported by the Sunday Times of the United Kingdom. So at ease or rather proud of his ‘gift’ that he labeled it ‘yali ninkongole’ (it was a debt). Unfortunately this ‘inkongole’ was borrowed in the name of the government funded Football Association of Zambia. Being the dribbler he is, he did not forward the money to FAZ coffers and no explanation has been offered. Why? None of these funds have ever been reflected in FAZ accounts at the annual general meeting financial statements given to councilors. Assuming it was a debt and not the bribe we all know it to be, why did it not get to FAZ? Since when did government start guaranteeing personal debts? So why was Kalu personally mentioned? Is it because everyone including the British media hates him as is said of everyone who criticizes him back home? The Sunday Times are ‘jealousy’ of his worldwide and FIFA connections as his worshippers like to say on these ends. However, truth is Bwalya has entangled himself in a web of deceit and cannot expect anybody else to wash away or wish away his self designed own goal. Kalusha has been flirting with disaster for a long time by double playing FIFA president Joseph Sepp Blatter and his possible challenger Michel Platini. During the last FIFA election in 2011, Bwalya was caught up between Blatter and then challenger Mohammed Bin Hammam. Bwalya had crossed over to the billionaire Qatari Hammam camp who later bankrolled his CAF bid that he eventually won while still enjoying the courtesies of Blatter’s private jet canvassing for votes across Africa and other continents. The Blatter camp raised the alarm and Bwalya went cool on Hammam but Blatter and company were not fooled. Hammam never made it to the FIFA ballot as he was disqualified. Bwalya started courting Platini and has been edging towards that side of business whilst still posturing as a Blatter ally but again no one is fooled. Somewhere in the background is Qatari money believed to be oiling the Platini machinery and who better to smell the presence of a quick back than the ‘King’ himself. FIFA is believed to be angling to impose a ban on Bwalya soon after the report on the Qatar cash for votes is released by September. If you think this is a bluff, remind yourself of these names Amos Adamu (Nigeria), Jack Warner (Trinidad) and even closer to home here Ishmael Bhamjee (Botswana). Why would FIFA be so cool about giving a go ahead for Anti Corruption of Zambia to investigate Bwalya over his bribe scandal? Does not FIFA abhor government interference in football? With 2015 along the way and the Qatar cash for votes scandal due out by September, there could very easily be casualties and if you have lived long enough to see how far Blatter can go to clear anything that threatens his re-election, then you had better sit up and enjoy the drama! zambiareports/2014/08/08/opinion-kalusha-fifa-wars/
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 17:48:16 +0000

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