Opinion Piece: Theres a post going around with a picture of an - TopicsExpress


Opinion Piece: Theres a post going around with a picture of an evangelical guy and the caption You dont see faith healers working in hospitals for the same reason that you dont see psychics winning lotteries. This sort of generalization saddens me. Let me point out theres a lot of people with genuine healing gifts that DO work in care related areas, some volunteering, some using their gifts quietly amid the modalities they are there for in their job description. All professions have their bad apples and people will want to paint all with the same brush. I dont like to see people taken advantage of, but I also dont like to see people so broadly judged and invalidated. There are people I have met around my moms care situation as well as those around loved ones dying that have a very genuine peace and grace about them, they walk in the room and the patient calms down, they ease and comfort and often go far beyond what their job description supports. They arent making big bucks and they arent pushing their faith on any one and if faith is part of what what gets them through a 12 hour shift at minimum wage then who am I (or anyone for that matter) to knock that. I should also add that, of course there are agnostics and atheists that have that same grace, it can be faith in a philosophy, a credo of decency, its a quality I see in most of the people I choose to associate with, otherwise I wouldnt.
Posted on: Sun, 11 May 2014 15:40:44 +0000

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