Opinions / Children of Gaza prey journalists Date Published: - TopicsExpress


Opinions / Children of Gaza prey journalists Date Published: 14/08/2014 G. x + Children of Gaza prey journalists By / Tawfiq Abu Schumer What more what we wrote for press offenses in our millennium third, Falcamarat depicting the remains of corpses, and the killing of innocent people and cut their heads and execution of sound and image, without editing and modification, within the press offenses, despite the fact that many sculpted her credentials, which expose the criminals, and chase them prosecuted! It is no exaggeration to say that the exploitation of minors for the newspaper stories profitable, another crime of not less than pictures body parts, murder and slaughter. This is unfortunately what happened in Gaza at the height of the war in July and Oguetstus 2014, has returned many journalists to commit the same mistakes they have committed in the past! What I still remember when the Day 17/6/2006 devoured journalists minor child, Huda Abu Ghalia, assassinated by an artillery shell on the shore of the Sea of her family Strip, has hosted one of the announcers Famous old Huda, and with it also the famous psychiatrist, endorsing the psychiatrist, found that the child to refuse to marry infected condition (PTSD), a serious condition, and demonstrated the validity diagnosed, they do not talk much, which is also urinate in her clothes during sleep ....! And enhance the announcer sayings doctor saying: Is it impossible to rehabilitation, and the announcer asked for the source of the shell, and whether she saw her mother from the mainland, or from the sea! Leaving only ask that famous conversation about the meaning of [the balance of terror in the Palestinian arena and the political demagoguery, and the relationship with Russia, America, and the region of Biafra and Kosovo! After eight years of the story Huda Abu Ghalia, is hosting a news last another child, lost her parents, after the massacre of Oz on 08/10/2014 journalists and subjects them again for questioning at a meeting of hearts cut, and the journalist asks her: Did I miss the martyrs, your mother and father? !!!!! The some journalists also take snapshots and words of a little girl infected with several fractures, which are lying in the hospital, and subjected journalist also for questioning, asked her about the incident, which Avqdtha four of her family, not only that but demanded to express their sense of losing their, and asked her about her future also, Vahtart child , did not answer! There is a difference between journalistic story interesting and influential, and the story that are offensive to the feelings and deformation childhood. I still remember the story of a journalist committed suicide, Kevin Carter, the owner of the image painful months in our world, an image of a child Sudanese shame, scrawny from hunger, and a few meters away from him standing eagle, stalked him to eat! Journalist committed suicide, Kevin Carter, because he preferred to bang the press to save an innocent child, he was unable to render aid to the child victim, has preferred to get the Pulitzer Prize for Save the Children, and this is what led him to depression and suicide! The press sublime profession, not a business career! Every journalistic codes of ethics in the world do not justify the questioning of minors in front of the cameras for the purpose of stirring emotions, and to highlight their suffering, to get bonuses and prizes! More on minimum home .. alwatanvoice/arabic/news/2014/08/14/578203.html#ixzz3APeC6Lxc
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 23:38:41 +0000

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