Opportunity for Perform Internationally Thespianz Theater would - TopicsExpress


Opportunity for Perform Internationally Thespianz Theater would like to invite applications to perform in Yogyakarta (Famous Tourist Resort of Indonesia) from 20th Sept to 25th Sept 2013 in very famous International Performing Arts festival, in which, 15 countries are coming to perform. We are looking for four performing arts actors, who can work in 40 minutes Musical Children Play. The artists must can provide: 1- Valid Pakistani Passport 2- Return Air ticket with registration.(Total Rs. 175000/ stay, food, Visa and local transport is included-) 3- Available for rehearsals from 1st Sept to 18th Sept on daily basis. (Evening Timings) 4- Age between 14 years to 27 years old. 5- Departure from Karachi, 19th Sept and Arrival in Karachi 26th Sept 2013. 6- This opportunity is only for males. Benefits: By performing internationally, always have lots of benefits for local artists. It can bring multiple opportunities: • for professional development, learning and skills development in a specific area; • to explore the ’back stage‘ of the artistic processes • for a higher visibility in the arts community internationally, • for a self satisfaction and pride for yourself and for Pakistan too. • to have fun, meet new people and socialize. • To explore new destinations outside your country • Meeting with other international Performing Arts artists. • Theater Workshops with International Renowned instructors. Artists are usually attracted to arts programmes that are highly recognized, focused on positive, honest and enthusiastic appeals and have valuable social causes. If, you are seriously agree on all criteria, please contact immediately on ThespianzTheater@gmail Ph: 03332127632
Posted on: Sat, 20 Jul 2013 08:04:16 +0000

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