Oprah Winfrey and Her 378 Staffers Decide to Go Vegan For a Week - - TopicsExpress


Oprah Winfrey and Her 378 Staffers Decide to Go Vegan For a Week - I have so much more respect for Oprah for having done this episode on her show and for educating her audience on the benefits of going vegan. And for challenging her staff, herself and her audience to at least TRY a vegan diet for a week. Although I dont agree with most of what a couple of her guest speakers had to say, I still think this is a great eye-opener. I really think this is something that everyone can try. Break tradition and bad habits that have been instilled in you since you were a child and open your mind to new foods and more compassionate choices. Youll be amazed at how many animal products you consume in a week. If anything, it will give you a better appreciation of where your food is coming from and a better understanding of what you are supporting with your money. Everyone can try being vegish. Which simply means consuming LESS animal products. You dont have to completely remove everything that youve been eating your whole life, you can simply just eat less and by doing so you will be helping save lives and the planet and your health. Dont buy more meat simply because its on sale or because its a good deal and then throw half of it away because you cant consume it in time. Stop being wasteful. Stop being greedy. Stop taking more than you need. Have respect for the animals That give their lives for you to enjoy their flesh. Try new foods and open your mind to new possibilities. Realize your addictions. Dont be afraid of change. And if any of my friends need advice or help please dont hesitate to ask. I do want to point out a couple of the things that I do not agree with. There is no way to humanely kill someone who does not want to die even if you tricked them to their death, its still wrong. The cows in the video were not crying because they had no idea they were being led to slaughter. Just because you kill them without them knowing does not make it okay to take someones life simply so you can enjoy their flesh. Theres no such thing as protein deficiency believe it or not. You will not die if you dont eat meat because we are not natural born carnivores. If you think you are a natural born carnivore then please go out and kill an animal with your bare hands nails and teeth. You simply cannot. You can live a sustainable and fulfilling life not supporting animal exploitation. Choosing to do so in this day and age is barbaric with all the information that is provided now it is easier for everyone to live a more compassionate life. Stop supporting the violence. Give Veganism a chance. Its not as hard as it seems when you see the benefits to your health and the lives that you are saving. And please understand that the slaughterhouse that is featured on the show is probably the most humane slaughter house there is or else they wouldnt have even agreed to be on the show. The majority of food made in this country is made in factory farms that have much less respect for their animals. I agree with the guest speaker that says you should not be allowed to eat meat if youre not willing to watch it die.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 16:01:23 +0000

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