Oprah is in show business and has done her job. She took a lot of - TopicsExpress


Oprah is in show business and has done her job. She took a lot of heat off of him because of her popularity. He has failed miserably. Had he let her run the White Hose like she wanted he would still be a failure because has no leadership skills or experience. He would still want to push socialism because he never built a business and made a good living from it. And he has failed the Veterans because he was never in the military and has no clue of their deep devotion and service to our great nation. But Oprah can rally her support just because of who she is. She did make a booboo and that was to play the weakest argument which did not work at all. What did work was just having Oprah speak up for him. A President that is just a big failure has to be impeached. Oprah will slow down the total lack of confidence in the HR and Congress for not getting rid of Mr. Dud through impeachment that we need right now before he does something else that does not work. The fix is this. He needs to send Mitchell to Ha. To live with the kids until the end of his term or at least until the impeachment goes through. We impeached Nixon because he failed the American citizen tax payers just like Nixon and it did not take to long for the impeachment to go through and he had to take a plane out of DC. If they do it right they can impeach him and have him on the plane to Ha. And on the golf course by noon. He will be fine. He has plenty of money and will live well. No thinking to do to interrupt his game. Michelle and the girls will live like royalty and life would be good for all of them. The United States will then be free to get manufacturing jobs going again. Oprah will have a patriotic duty to get her friend off to Ha. And back to the only thing he seems to know how to do and that is to play golf. What Oprah did was sound the alarm with her involvement. It surprised a lot of people because she was so quick to draw attention to herself. Oprah has had a very good career and she knows how to negotiate rough waters. Obama owes her big time because she sounded the alarm to rally support for him. She took the one tact that she new would be most effective so she threw herself over the cliff for him an hoped there would be a deep pool below. She knows he was not hurt he was just in the wrong job and did a very bad job to the detriment of the United States. He was in over his head but was not a able to admit it and just leave on his own after he made such an incredible mess of everything he touched. Oprah did what a friend would do for another friend by sacrificing herself with a flame thrower.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 03:18:28 +0000

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