Optimising Protein Intake Through - TopicsExpress


Optimising Protein Intake Through Probiotics Introduction: In this article, I’m going to share how anyone can add a few key elements into their diet, which improve digestion... making weight loss and muscle gain a lot easier. Everybody’s been brainwashed that pounding more protein equals more muscle. This insider guide will reveal how you can OPTIMIZE the protein you’re already consuming. Wade Lightheart a former Mr. Universe and Natural Mr. Olympia competitor who has competed on just 85 grams of vegetarian protein per day, Is living proof that chugging down more protein isn’t the answer. How “Friendly Probiotics” And “Bad Bacteria” Fight For Your Digestive Terrain: At this very moment, you have trillions of bacteria inside your body and on your skin. The question is: do your “good guys” outnumber the “bad guys”? We can categorize these bacteria into 3 categories: 1, “The good guys” are called probiotics. They are health boosting and your first line of defense against illness and disease. 2, “The bad guys” make you sick, give you food poisoning and cause infections. Doctors try to fight them with antibiotics. 3, “The opportunists” cause infection when given the chance… for example when your “good” bacteria gets outnumbered. The question is: are yours rulers good guys? Or evil kings? As long as you have plenty of good bacteria, the bad guys will be kept in check. However, changes in environment, diet, stress levels, toxic load, hydration, enzyme supply, and ESPECIALLY the use of antibiotics, can wipe out your internal probiotics. If you experience constipation, rapid weight gain during periods of stress, acid reflux, diarrhea, bloating or gas, you can bet that dark bacteria have taken over the show. Undigested protein morphs into toxins that lead to weight gain, brain dysfunction, emotional challenges, and ultimately... an array of health problems including: heart disease, obesity, and cancer just to name a few. How Friendly Probiotics Increase The Anabolic Absorption Of Nutrients: Your entire digestive system is governed by enzymes and bacteria. If enough friendly probiotics are present, food is broken down quickly and efficiently, bad bacteria gets their asses kicked, and your 100 trillion cells including your muscle fibers get fed. This means, you get MAXIMUM AMINO ACID absorption from the protein you’re eating. Have You Ever Taken Antibiotics? If “Yes” -- You Need To Read This Immediately: Every time you take antibiotics, they completely wipe out all your bacteria (including the good guys). This leaves your immune system vulnerable. Foreign invaders can enter your digestive system and opportunistic organisms like Candida can spread throughout your body. This often leads to brain fog, low energy, hormone irregularities, immune dysfunction, constipation, and indigestion. Ultimately, your body’s ability to assimilate nutrients becomes compromised. Toxicity leads to health nightmares and weakened organs. When metabolic organs like the liver become compromised, the body stores toxins inside fat cells to be metabolized later. Win The War And Experience Easier Fat Loss: Ultimate Defense Against Ice Cream and Cakes? Reclaiming your inner terrain and building a solid army of “good probiotics” is an absolute must if you want to achieve peak performance, maximum fat loss, and optimized muscle gains. Recent literature has actually found that changing your digestive terrain can have a significant impact on weight loss. A study published in the British Journal of Nutrition found that on average, subjects who supplemented with probiotics lost up an extra 4 pounds of weight, in a 12 week trial that was conducted. I believe the main reason is certain probiotics like, P3-OM, devour sugar like a savage. You can do the experiment for yourself. Take 5 capsules of P3-OM and put it inside 1 liter of coconut water, and leave it out on the counter for 12 hours. When you take a drink, it will be a lot less sweet and more acidic. This is because the probiotics are doubling every 20 minutes and they’re consuming the sugar as they multiply. This means having a strong network of probiotics inside your digestive system is your first line of defense against sugar (we all have days where we indulge in epic cakes and ice cream). James Collier, who is a registered nutritionist, author of the book Informed Bodybuilding Nutrition, and owner of Muscle Talk United Kingdom, says that a good supply of friendly bacteria makes protein more readily available to your muscles, and helps your body burn fat. The anabolic effect comes from increasing the assimilation of nutrients into your body. Research has shown an increase in the absorption of amino acids with certain probiotic strains. One study found an increase in the absorption of leucine by 23%, isoleucine by 20%, valine by 7%, glutamine by 116%, ornithine by 100%, tryptophan by 100% and citrulline by 128%. By increasing the bioavailable amino acids in your system, your body has more resources to repair and grow muscle after workouts. Why “Healthy Yogurt” Is One Of The Greatest Modern Day Health Scams: A lot of people think they’re getting probiotics when they eat yogurt. Unless you’re getting RAW, organic certified yogurt -- all you’re getting is a well packaged lie because they PASTEURIZE the yogurt AFTER they put in the probiotics. Pasteurization KILLS the probiotics. In fact, pasteurization was created in order to kill bacteria. HERE’S HOW TO TEST IF YOU’RE EATING REAL, LIVE YOGURT: real yogurt tastes VERY acidic and sour. If your yogurt taste sweet -- it’s guaranteed that the probiotics are DEAD. Remember what I wrote a few paragraphs ago, LIVE probiotics eat sugar. That’s why real yogurt tastes sour and acidic. How About Probiotic Supplements? Many companies mix together a bunch of strains together. They never analyze if the strains compete with each other. They throw a mish-mash of “maybes” in a bottle. Maybe it works… maybe it doesn’t… they dont know. To make things even worse, Dr. Tod Cooperman of Consumer Labs stated the actual amount of probiotics detected in popular probiotics often do not match what companies claim. Some test results showed that probiotic levels are as little as 7% of the label claim of colony forming units (CFU) or live probiotic cultures. That means if the you paid 20 bucks for 60 probiotics capsules that contain 1 billion bacteria per cap, you really overpaid by 1200%. It’s easy to get ripped off. So before purchasing any probiotics read the next section carefully. How to Protect Yourself From Getting Ripped Off: The 3 Critical Factors You Need To Know Before You Even Think Of Buying Any Probiotics 1: Stay away from probiotics that require refrigeration. Any probiotic that needs to be maintained in a refrigerator is a big risk because you have no control over the conditions of transit, or how long the product has been on the shelf. The facts are, your body temperature is much higher than a refrigerated store shelf. So if the product is unstable at cool temperatures, what’s going to happen when you ingest it? 2: Use Freeze Dried Cultures. Freeze drying is the process of removing all the water out of a substance. The best probiotics are freeze dried which keeps them “dormant” until they make contact with water again. As soon as the probiotics get hydrated, they spring back to life. Also, the best formulas use all natural ingredients for stabilizers such as rice bran. Finally, they should use plant based capsules, instead of bovine gelatin caps. 3: Only buy strains PROVEN in laboratory tests to work. P3-OM uses a patented process to dramatically enhance L Plantarum’s abilities, resulting in a new super strain that may be the most powerful proteolytic probiotic ever developed. P3-OM supplies your gut with powerful protein-digesting bacteria that increase the pool of bioactive amino acids, required for muscle growth and recovery. P3-OM has shown in clinical trials some remarkable properties which include: - Proteolytic activity (breaks down protein) - Anti-tumoral capability (Reduces tumor size). - Antiviral capabilities (Kicks virus’s asses) - Anti-retroviral activity as demonstrated against: the Rauscher virus, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and the T-lymphotrophic virus. - The strain can easily survive in the human digestive system, unlike other probiotics that crumble and die because of the intense stomach acids. How Much Does P3-OM Cost? P3-OM is an affordable probiotic, for the quantity and quality of cultures you’re gonna get. Especially because its freeze dried and DOES NOT require refrigeration. You can buy it here: https://p3om/ordering/orderpage.php?a_aid=balboahulse&a_bid=57aea137 I have not been paid to advertise this through extensive research and personal trials i have come to conclude that this is by far the most effective way of gaining more muscle with less protein.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 21:59:18 +0000

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