Orals - Mr Sukumarn 1st attempt -pass!! Series of questions - TopicsExpress


Orals - Mr Sukumarn 1st attempt -pass!! Series of questions asked..please note I have sailed in bulk carriers... 1.How did u write you exam? 2.What question did you attend? i told him that i attended the question on Garbage1 3.What are the latest amendments for garbage and how is it different from the previous one1 4.What is cargo residue according to annex 5? What does it consist of?1 5.What ship have you sailed in? 6.What is IMSBC code? What was it called before?1 7.Describe imsbc.1 8.What is liquifaction?1 9.Why is it dangerous to carry liquified cargo, group A?1 10.What is free surface effect?1 11.What effect does it have on ship stability?1 12.What is angle of loll?1 13.How do you know a ship is in the angle of loll?1 14.What is cp,cb,cm?1 15.What is its use?0 - which ship has highest cp?0 16.What engine have you worked on? 17.What is diff between ultra long and superlong stroke engine?1 18.What are the disadv of ultralong stroke?0 19.How to run the engine on a damaged turbocharger?1 20.What is derated engine?0 21.How is derating an engine different from running the engine on low speed?0 22.The fuel pump is completely overhauled and brought back, what checks as a cheif engineer would you do before placing it back?0 23.what type of cyl oil lubricator? 24.how to choose lubrication while running on l.s.f.o?1 25.how to choose feed rate of the lubricator?0 26.what is the mechanism in operation of mechanical lubricator and alpha lubricator?0 27.how does alpha lubricator adjust the feed rate?0 28.how to identify improper setting of a cyl oil lub. Feed wid the particular load setting?0 29.what are its indications from the main engine point of view before the damage takes place.0 30. What is parametric rolling?1 31. What is its effect?1 32.which ships are effected by it the most?1 Personal experience : I have written, 1 or 0 at the end of the questions. 1- i have answered well; 0- i have not been able to answer confidently or have admitted i dont know the answer at all. So you see that my level of getting the answers right has not been very good. My advice would be to show confidence in answering what you know and dont try to say things you are not sure of. At the end of the day, he is more knowledgable than us, so no point in trying to convince him wrongly. Wishing all of you the very best.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 14:51:55 +0000

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