Orbs! They are everywhere. And mostly unseen except for digital - TopicsExpress


Orbs! They are everywhere. And mostly unseen except for digital photos and a handful of people who can see them with the naked eye. Of those of us who are aware of them, what we do know is only the beginning. I was asked to do a talk on Orbs for the Calgary First Spiritualist Church which led me into the world of research of this phenomena. Wow! I am far from an expert on this topic, but I am excited to share some of what I learned from the likes of Miceal Ledwith and Ramtha, who is channelled through J.Z. Knight. Ramtha describes Orbs as follows: “Not just a ball of curious light but what you and I are out of our bodies! They are participants and observers.” and “They are viewers from distant galaxies, beings from other realms and dimensions.” Miceal Ledwith mentions they are multidimensional, cross-cultural, and are similar in nature to the images we see in some of the earliest paintings. Spectrum means “a showing forth” “an apparition” or “an appearance”. Now, with the digital cameras, these Orbs are appearing in photos all over the world. Even underwater photos, where the arguments about Orbs being dust particles and water droplets becomes redundant, show Orbs in abundance, and they share the same structures and shapes we see above water. Our eyes are like cameras, they take it all in. It’s our brains that are not set up to accept them, much like the story of the First Nations people not being able to see Magellen’s ships in the ocean, because the neuronets in their brains would not allow them at first. The human eye is able to detect what we call the “visible light spectrum” or which is the range of colours of the rainbow. Orbs exist outside this range. However, like the First Nations peoples who came to be able to see the ships, we can open ourselves up to the idea we can also see the Orbs, as our brains become entrained to this idea. We need only to ask for guidance from them. Orbs are conscious and intelligent thought forms, or as Miceal Ledwith refers to them as, Spirit emanations. They have their own source of light that comes from within them (fluorescence) which distinguishes them from being merely a reflection of light. They love parties, celebrations and ceremonies. They also show up in abundance at sacred sites and rituals. And the more photos we take of them with the intention of seeing them, the more they show up. They want to communicate with us. They hold the ancient secrets of time and space. And even though there are some misguided dark spirits, we are absolutely surrounded by highly evolved Spirit beings that are here to inspire, lead, teach, and assist us in every situation from keeping us healthy to steering us out of harm’s way. The Spirit world wants us to do our very best and help us along our paths. We only need to ask. How can we possibly feel alone knowing this? How incredible it is that we are designed to live our lives to evolve and become conscious and loving people “without ever really knowing exactly where we come from and where we are going!” ~ Miceal Ledwith Have fun with your camera and training yourself to seeing these beings of light and love. Our journey here is about making the unknown, known. That is evolution. And so it is! Loving this human journey, Rev. Sheryl M. Hinds
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 22:07:25 +0000

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