Ord. Wk 25th: Saturday, 28th September,2013 (Lk 9:43b-45) The - TopicsExpress


Ord. Wk 25th: Saturday, 28th September,2013 (Lk 9:43b-45) The wisdom of God however is not the wisdom of man. Success for God is not to be measured in human terms. The death of Jesus might be a tragedy for the disciples but it was the way God would manifest His power. The paradigm of God is that paradoxically, life comes through death, victory through failure, and the crown through the thorns. What the world sees as foolish, God sees as wisdom. The fact is that like the disciples we have been conditioned by society, whether we like it or not, by our own parents and the people around us to quantify success in terms of material achievements and the trophies we win. Our lens is certainly conditioned by our culture and society. So much so that we tend to consciously or unconsciously subscribe to the values offered to us by the world without investigating the truth of what is being offered. We presume that just because everyone accepts it, then it must be the way to find happiness. Perhaps we are afraid to be penalized and so we follow blindly what has been passed down to us. This is very true even of religious traditions and practices in our days. How many of us truly understand the liturgy of the Church or the practices of the Catholic Faith and the doctrines? Although many of us are great academicians and intellectuals, when it comes to understanding our faith, we fall into apathy! No wonder many of our Catholics are lukewarm in their faith, since they have no real inner conviction or understanding of what they are doing or believing. Fear for the truth is a real reason for not asking because it means change. Sometimes, deep within, we might not really want to know the truth. In fact that was what happened when the disciples, although puzzled by what Jesus said about His imminent death, were afraid to even clarify with Him.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 21:16:00 +0000

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