Ordered some takeout and popped open a bottle of champagne with - TopicsExpress


Ordered some takeout and popped open a bottle of champagne with some Leontyne Price playing in the background. Whats the occassion, you ask? My coworker was fired today. It sounds mean but it feels as though a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. For months I have been anxious about showing up to work and have opted to work from home most days. I even hid it from my fiancee at first. He has been harassing me ever since I brought Mr. to a company dinner last spring. Before the dinner, he would ignore me (which is fine since I dont usually fraternize at work) but make jokes about bw loud enough for me to hear. Hed compare our bodies to donkies or horses and told this Indian woman to not be alone with me in the elevator or else I would scalp her and wear her hair to work. She ate it up and laughed like it was the funniest thing she has ever heard. If I was chewing something he would mock me, he would look at me in disgust and cover his nose whenever I would get in the elevator. If someone paid me a compliment, he would roll his eyes and tell them to stop lying. I would tell HR and they didnt do anything about. Little did I know they were documenting it all. Anyway, since the dinner hes been very rude to me, insulting me every chance he gets, and sending me Facebook messages (we arent friends) of articles or screenshots of what racist ppl say on different message boards. I told my brother about him and he checked out his page. He immediately called me and told me to have a look myself. What I saw made my stomach churn. He had stolen one of my photos and posted it on his wall, asking his white male friends if I was attractive! I reported it to facebook but it wasnt taken down. I alerted HR but they had a look and it was gone. The last straw was when we were both in the lunch room yesterday and he demanded that I explain why Im engaged to a white man. I looked around the room and everyone was staring at us. I said it was none of his business and turned my back to him. My hair hit him and that made him more angry. He went on saying that I have fake ass hair, wear makeup and only eat salads and its obvious I have self image issues and its all an act and that the only reason I have my job despite still being in college is because I must have slept with someone. He even knocked my lunch off the table. Now I was not upset as I saw this coming eventually but I pretended to be. Why? Because being a strong bw in this situation wouldnt solve anything. If I had told him off I would be doing exactly what he wanted: giving him a reaction. So I cried. I let tears fall and I left the room, put my head on my desk and waited. Ten minutes later my boss (who want in the room, Im guessing someone fetched her) approached me, put her hand on my shoulder and consoled me. She apologized that I had to experience such cruel behavior and that if I needed to take the afternoon to myself I could. I thanked her for the kindness and called Mr. to pick me up. An hour later I got a phone call from someone in HR, asking me what happened. I told them the whole story dating back to the company dinner last spring. I even started crying again. I was assured that this would never happen again. Today, I expected there to be a sensitivity training or mediation between us. Nope. His desk was empty and bare. There were flowers and a starbucks gift card on my desk from the boss. I asked about him and she replied hes gone. Thats all I need to hear! If something similar happens to you make sure to speak up. Hes obviously a DBR man and needs psychological help for his anger. If someone, regardless of race or gender, demands that you explain your dating practices or anything else, dont respond to it. Remove yourself from the situation. Your personal details are noones business but yours and you could be in harms way. I read an article about three DBRBM who murdered a BW and her Marine swirl husband. Smh stay safe.
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 02:55:45 +0000

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