Orders Remain Unchanged Our orders to take the Gospel to the - TopicsExpress


Orders Remain Unchanged Our orders to take the Gospel to the world have been in effect for over 2000 years. My question today is this. How many of us would be Court Martialed for failure to follow orders? It’s a sobering thought. If we were to stand before God today and account for the number of people we have witnessed to and led to the Lord, how would that go? Does that thought make you at all uncomfortable? There is a day of accountability coming soon. I don’t want to be standing before God stammering and stuttering while I try to give account of all the people that I shared Jesus with. ( Or the lack thereof! ) I really like what Pastor Nordin said about cultivating “A Culture of Invitation” within our church. Even if you feel uneasy to share the Gospel with someone, we are all capable of inviting someone to church! The worst that can happen is someone says NO! That’s OK, just keep asking people. The moment that someone says YES, you will know that it’s been worth every effort you put forth. The Holy Spirit gives us a spirit of boldness! Exercise that boldness and invite people to church. It will make a difference in their life AND in YOUR life! Pastor Doug
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 20:33:03 +0000

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