Ordinary People Would Not Let Their Fellow Man Go Hungry But - TopicsExpress


Ordinary People Would Not Let Their Fellow Man Go Hungry But Banks, Corporations, and Governments will. We will not ever experience the benefits of a prosperous free market economy and become a truly free people, with Banks (Capitalism), Corporations (Fascism) and Governments (Socialism leading to Communism) in our way. All four of these isms are systems of enslavement, and compete for control over we the people. The end product has been and still is, slavery in its various guises. All four of these isms have the common denominator of no personal responsibility. That definitely includes Capitalism, by the way, for those who have not awakened to the fact that the essence of Capitalism is lending money at interest (which obscures and then destroys free enterprise, and makes people homeless and hungry). Capitalism has -always- since right after its inception, depended heavily on socialist governments to both subsidize it, and keep it from its mathematical certainty of devouring the entire populace. The Federal Reserve banking system, with its stranglehold on the world economy and subversion since 1913 of our Republic of the United States of America, must be eliminated. The government must come back under its Constitution and print only enough money to keep order during this period. More and more people must devise their own systems (and they are already) of money, trade and barter throughout, and stop depending on authoritarian government to do it for them. This is not a call for a zeitgeisted, neo-communist, cashless society, by the way, with otherwise-brilliant ideas naively putting our resources up for grabs by the next group of global enslavers in waiting. It is a call for we the people, to stop being the police force for international banking, and take the American Revolution to the world and to its fullest extent - prudently making government minimize and minimize and minimize more, until enough people realize that people truly need government no more (if this sounds like something Jesus called for, thats probably right - the way of the Gentiles that he publicly denounced, was his conception of authoritarian slavery by governments). Through an increase in awareness, knowledge and responsibility, greater freedom can be attained. Fear is the main thing in our way, and the primary tool of the oppressors against us. But until a critical number of us awaken to this reality through the brave actions of those who are already there, then we will suffer. independent.co.uk/news/world/politics/the-real-hunger-games-how-banks-gamble-on-food-prices--and-the-poor-lose-out-7606263.html
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 05:32:25 +0000

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