****Organ Donation and Blood Donation-Vedic way of - TopicsExpress


****Organ Donation and Blood Donation-Vedic way of approach**** Vedas certainly wont entertain any kind of bodily transfers as it is in practice in the modern era in the name of Blood Donation, Eye Donation & Organ Donation during alive or death for the purpose of just a transplantation or medical experiments. There is a clear cut methodologies after the death called Uttara Shodasha Kriya which has matured scientific thoughts from several seers. It requires lot of elongated sessions to make one understand why these kinds of transfusion is prohibited according to our Dharmic rituals? So these transplantation are prohibited according to Vedas, Sutras, Vedic Medical Science, theory of Karma Siddanta, Samskara Prakriyas and many more. In puranas, if there is a story of transplantation, one has to see the person, social necessity, correct intention, etc., In case of Vajrayudha, no other way was there to put a full stop for the Vrtrasuras menace to Earth and Heaven. Only Dadhichi possessed the strength of diamond in his back bone that was gained by thousands of years of Tapasya. Bone was removed as he was alive. Else Indra and other devatas will be summoned with Brahma Hatya Dosha. So in every case of purana there will be lot of reasons!! not just the one being practiced blind fold now in the name of advanced science and technology which cannot touch the dust of seers foot!! Basic rule of Medical science says that one body cannot accept the parts of another one. There are lot of medical practitioners who had understood & experienced this fact. Even though you operate and stitch a Kidney or heart, the body will always be resisting to the external organ. Donated blood will be rejected in terms of Urine, swet and other excretions within some days. Lot of foreign civilizations knew this fact and they never take other body remains. Every day this modern science gives new statements. First they say that external blood supply is mandatory in case of blood loss. Then they only warn about the unhealthy, contamination, uselessness of stored blood after some hours etc., On basis of Vedic Science and Ayurveda I proudly declare that Blood transfusion is not mandatory, pure water or thunder coconut water can be supplied in place of blood Science doesnt believes in Paapa, Punya. Then why they used the concept of Daana in the name of blood donation and advertised it as a work that gives Punya! Remember that most of the practices in the name of donation are merely a business of Selling & Purchasing. Only in certain processes like in reproduction, there will be mixture of 2 different materials, but body nourishes it as a separate wing and reproduces offspring. Eye donation is another corruption. Cornea which is the outer lens of the Eye can only be made fit to a person having Cornea damage. That too the sizes should match. Its not true that all the eyes which has been donated has been used and a blind got the sight. There are very rare cases who get blindness due to Cornea damage. Just make a trip around Blind schools & eye banks to understand the actual statistics of blind getting vision!! Cornea transplantation is just like fixing eye lens that we use nowadays. But in the future there may be syntho-organic material that replaces human donated cornea. Remember that any of your organ is not useful if it is given to others. Either it will be thrown out after some time by storing banks or its rejected by body after some time. Its foreign missionaries who familiarized this kind of transfusions. Their science is just a baby stepping now. But our seers had much better vision behind every word & inventions. Animals also die, decay & perish. Its soul goes according to its karma. But we are men, not pashu. My suggestion is for the people who believe and practice Sanatana Bhatiya Dharma and its rituals. Why body is made into ashes including a detailed proceducre of Shava Samskara with medicinal plants, fire and mantras? Why uttara shodasha karma is done such that the worldly desires of atma is seperated, soul is given a divya sharira, sent to pitru lokha and only the daivika part of atma is kept for the welfare of the family and worshipped every year in terms of Shradda Prakriya? In each and every part of these rituals there will be a separation of bodily elements and -ve energies attached to soul such that it shouldnt contact the living humans or other creatures. Till what level we do this? We wont leave ash also. It will be made floated it some of Punya Teertas like Ganga, Yamuna, Godavari etc., There is in depth Genetic level explanation hidden in all these practices. SaSha Indian Sage Warriors
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 05:46:49 +0000

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