Organic Fruit and Vegetables ? Significant Facts You Ought to be - TopicsExpress


Organic Fruit and Vegetables ? Significant Facts You Ought to be Aware of Our health depends greatly on the food we eat. Current research has shown the link between our propensity to develop certain ailments and our love for highly-processed foods. On the other end of the spectrum, consumption of a rainbow of fruits and veggies everyday have also been linked to higher levels of energy and the prevention of cancer and other diseases. But not all fruits and vegetables are equal in this day and age, however. Current farming methods that rely heavily on chemicals to induce production even during the off-season and pesticides to kill pests that molest these plants, have now turned these fruits and vegetables into highly unnatural and pesticide-carrying products. What’s more, genetically-modified versions of our tomatoes and other fruits and vegetables have raised some ethical and safety issues that have not been adequately addressed by experts in the field. With these concerns, the move to go back to basic farming or organically growing our produce without pesticides, herbicides, man-made fertilizers and other chemicals is gaining a lot of support worldwide. Studies (and plain common sense) have shown that organic fruits and vegetables carry various health benefits compared to their pesticide-ridden counterparts. For starters, fresh organic produce contains more vitamins, minerals, enzymes and other micro-nutrients than intensively farmed produce. With higher levels of vitamin C, cancer-fighting antioxidants, and essential minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron and chromium, organic fruits and vegetables are healthier and more able to help the body fight diseases and ward off aging. It’s also the only practical way to avoid eating genetically modified (GM) food whose safety has not been fully established. Next, organic produce does not have food additives and pesticides that can cause health problems like heart disease, osteoporosis, migraines and hyperactivity. Birth defects, neurological deficits and certain cancers can also be traced back to pesticide-ridden produce. On the other hand, organic fruits and vegetables give you the chance to sample a variety of produce in season, when their nutrient levels are at their peak. You can pick from the wide variety available and allow your body to benefit from it. A good side effect of going organic is that you buy your produce locally, which gives you more savings in the long-run. By consuming fresh produce free of chemicals, your body feels lighter and your psychological health improves– less mood swings and depression. Another benefit of going organic is that it encourages you to grow your own produce. By growing things yourself, you are assured that you only enlist the help of Mother Nature’s sun, rain and soil. Gardening is also a very relaxing hobby that reduces stress and promotes overall health. You don’t need a big space to grow your organic herbs and veggies. They can even be placed in pots if you really don’t have soil space. Finally, one of the most encouraging things about organic fruits and vegetables is that they really taste way better than their pesticide grown counterparts. As a result, you get to actually look forward to eating your organic fruit salads and your other leafy greens. If you’re really serious about raw food, make sure that you have a look at Vita Mix blenders. Also, don’t miss this article called “Vitamix review“.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 10:45:20 +0000

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