Organic Living - Family Style Gardening together as a family - TopicsExpress


Organic Living - Family Style Gardening together as a family can be fun. Sure, there is some work involved, but the investment yields big returns both in family togetherness and saving money. It is always a good idea to start with a plan. Gather entire family around the table and map out a plan for going organic and do it in writing. Just to state the obvious, it is certainly a possibility that all members of the family may not share your enthusiasm. Be sure to include those people in the planning process, too. You could have younger members cut out pictures of vegetables and plants that they would like to grow. Others could research the growing requirements of what you want to grow. There are vegetables that need to be planted only in the spring, while others need the hot weather of Summer to produce their fruit. What are your favorites? Green beans, okra, corn. cucumbers and black-eyed peas need the heat of summer. Tomatoes need warmth to produce their fruit, however, when the intense heat of summer comes, they tend to lessen or stop producing. In climates with milder temperatures, broccoli, lettuce, kale, green peas and cabbage do better when the temperatures are cooler. In fact, in the South, where I live, they can be grown in the garden unprotected throughout the winter months also. Next, check the growing conditions in your backyard. Is it shaded by trees the entire day, does it have full sun all day, or does it have a mixture of both? Do a survey, and map out where the sun is throughout the entire day. This will be an important part of the success of your gardening. Till, spade or otherwise loosen the soil to a depth of at least 12 inches. You dont see plants growing in concrete and hard compacted soil is just about the same as concrete growing conditions for tender plants. The plants actually take up the nutrition from the spaces between the particles of the elements that make up soil. It is a good idea to have your soil tested to see if you need to add amendments to the soil for better plant production. After, the soil is ready, take your trowel and plant away. Water when the plants dry out, but dont overwater. Watch as the plants grow and produce their bounty. Enjoy! Organics promote good nutrition and health for the entire family. Take the time to make a plan and include everyone in the plan. Does clutter hang like a cloud over your activities? Does it steal the time away that you could use for family fun? Go to BreakFreeFromClutter for suggestions on how to de-clutter your life and surroundings. I hope you build family fun around safe and sustainable organic gardening.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 10:45:02 +0000

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