Organic Portals – Soulless humans Many modern day - TopicsExpress


Organic Portals – Soulless humans Many modern day “teachers” and “gurus” tell us “Since there is only One Being which permeates all things, all we have to do is see everything as only light”, and that will transmute the darkness, and we will “create our own reality of light.” Such a statement ignores the fact that the statement “God is One” describes a reality that is a higher level from which our own “mixed being” manifests. The man who assumes that he can become like God at this level just by thinking it, ignores the facts of Being vs. Non-being which outrays from “God is One” at a level of existence that is clearly several levels above our own. Evil is REAL on its own level, and the task of man is to navigate the Cosmic Maze without being defiled by the Evil therein. This is the root of Free Will. Man faces a predicament as REAL as himself: he is forced to choose – to utilize his knowledge by applying it – between the straight path which leads to Being, and the crooked paths which lead to Non-Being. Human beings are required to discern between good and evil – consciousness energy directors – at every stage of their existence in this reality. Because, in fact, they must understand that God is consciousness and God is matter. God is good, and God is evil. The Creation assumes all the different properties of the many “Names of God.” The Cosmos is full of Life-giving and Slaying, Forgiveness and Vengeance, Exaltation and Abasement, Guidance and Deception. To attempt to assume God’s point of view and “mix everything” at this level, results only in STAYING at this level. Therefore, human beings must always separate God’s point of view from their own point of view and the fact that all creation assumes the divine Names and Traits. Yes, we’re all one, but we’re not all the same in this 3rd density experience here on planet earth. Sure, Gandhi and Hitler are one, but one of them doesn’t seem to have any conscience. The biggest illusion and projection regular folks seem to have is the assumption that the people in positions of power think and feel just like we all do and if they don’t it is assumed that they are just misguided and lack love in their lives. However, what if there exists a type of human who has no connection to the higher centers of universal love/awareness at all by birth? He/she is not even genetically wired this way, not being able to access it this lifetime around but he/she can emulate and fake these higher characteristics quite well and even distract you from evolving by sapping your energy and feeding off it. They can tell you exactly what you want to hear, appear compassionate, empathetic and understanding without meaning or feeling it one bit. And what if this type of human makes up half of the world’s population? He/she might be even a family member, a co-worker, neighbor, boss or even a close friend, a lover, husband or wife? Certainly not a pleasant thought and certainly a blow to the popular New Age paradigm of “we’re all one and humanity is becoming enlightened just by focusing on Love, Light” and so-called “positive thinking!”. When exploring this idea more closely, with an objective, open and critical mind, it gives huge clues to the state of the world. youtube/watch?v=Byqy249bXkc
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 23:16:26 +0000

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