Organic vs Non-Organic Maybe all the foods you are buying and - TopicsExpress


Organic vs Non-Organic Maybe all the foods you are buying and eating are not organic. It is especially difficult if you eat out. Even when you buy food at the market, choosing to buy organic can get rather expensive. Personally, I try to buy organic foods (at the market) if I can. There are a few things that I always buy organic, eggs being one of them. I came across this article on Marks Daily Apple about foods we should be buying organic. Take a peak. WOD20140127 A. 3RM Push Press 3RM Jerk (split or push) B. 5MIN AMRAP 10 Shoulder to Overhead 95/65 10 Lateral Jumps (over the bar, over and back = 1rep) marksdailyapple/top-9-most-important-foods-to-buy-organic/#axzz2rZ9efA3X
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 04:19:29 +0000

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