Organised stalking is a symptom of our decaying civil liberties in - TopicsExpress


Organised stalking is a symptom of our decaying civil liberties in a society where corruption has infected the very heart of institutions which have supposedly been founded to protect the ordinary citizen. The rise in power of private law enforcement, intelligence agencies, corporate industry and the military industrial complex - harbouring the lordly belief that they should hold supremacy over the peoples democratically elected government - seem increasingly to expect that they are accountable only to themselves irrespective of the rule of law which should be applied equally to all, regardless of power or position. To be a victim of organised stalking, for whatever reason one may have been put into that position, must be truly horrendous. It is immoral, unethical, inhumane, cowardly and illegal and it must be defeated. To do this certain key low cost strategies will need to be studied, practiced and applied by those targeted. More comprehensive and thorough methods, which are necessary to put an end to the practice of gang stalking, must be taken by individuals who already have the position of power which they custodial hold to provide the people with freedom. This section is designed to help individuals for whom personal security has become a much more important issue due to their position as a targeted individual or for those undertaking investigatory work on this subject such as myself. With consideration of the financial constraints that many individuals are under, due to their stasi attackers efforts, I have taken a back to basics approach on some of the key vulnerable areas and to make it much more time consuming, complicated and troublesome for perpetrators of this crime to undermine the safety and security of the victim. There is nothing that can be completely secure however what the perpetrators fear the most is exposure and leaving evidence, while increasing the risk of these two areas decreases the ability for the attackers to fully deploy their arsenal of tactics against the target allowing some measure of respite for the victim to recover, regroup, plan and advance. Although it is unlikely that direct face-to-face or electronic interaction with perpetrators will occur on a daily basis the nature of the interactions when they do happen are designed to sow the seeds of paranoia in the victim so that hyper-vigilance is instilled. Lower-level perpetrators of the direct face-to-face harassment involved in organised stalking almost always interact with the targeted individual in a tightly scripted way. The perpetrator is directed to make a specific comment and/or perform a specific action based upon the particular victim and circumstances. This is done for a very good reason. It allows the handlers to control the harassment in ways which follow a thoroughly tested playbook that has been developed and honed over years of psychological operations by the Stasi, the FBI, and other counterintelligence agencies. Comments are intended to be as creepy and insulting and as provocative as possible (and tailored to the individual victim as much as possible) without including any language that might be incriminating or legally objectionable or suspicious in case they are recorded. The point is that few if any of these acts of harassment are spontaneous, which reduces the chances of mistakes. That logic can be used by targets of gang stalking also. Instead of simply reacting to each act of harassment impulsively when baited by the perpetrators, it is better to have a standard phrase response and course of action mapped out in advance. This is true both for “street theatre” public harassment and the “mobbing” in the workplace by co-workers. If you have a standard action and phrase to use (one which you have mentally rehearsed and chosen for its lack of potentially incriminating language) you will not be forced to respond on impulse. Sometimes gang stalking perps try to bait targets to react in ways that they can document and use against them (a classic intelligence service trick). Don’t give them anything to work with. When they say or do something insulting, you should respond based on your plan. There is no need to mention that exposing this type of crime is going to be difficult by the very nature of its methodology and the full power extended to suppress the truth. I can give you the assurance though here and now that this hideous cowardly organised stalking practice will be uncovered and exposed; with the help of this channel and others like it we will be supported by other avenues that I have not even yet considered. Awareness of this issue must be raised legitimately by sources such as this in connection with other trusted sources as mentioned. It will take hard work, it will take courage, it will take persistence, it will take luck, it will take time but it will be done. Here are a few ways to credibly raise the issue with the general public, political establishment, and international community governing bodies and human rights organisations. All three of the following strategies are critical to success. B: Join forces with other legitimate victims: You should join forces with other gang stalking victims by concentrating on just a few trusted online platforms to share information and expose gang stalking. Not only are gang stalking victims often in various stages of financial ruin because of their enemies, and short of contacts because of their isolation, they also don’t have one clear source to which they can go for information and support. It seems to be the case that there are many perps posing as targeted individuals in order to draw victims away from legitimate sources of information and support, obvious disinformation counter-intelligence tactics. Only a few carefully selected websites and sources of information on the subject of organised stalking will be referenced on this site. Winning this battle cannot be done by any one individual so genuine victims must co-ordinate and work together with a common goal. In time I purpose to gather a group together and formulate a strategy to expose and prevent this crime. C: Utilise Technology Technical counter-measures can seriously disrupt some forms of surveillance and harassment used in organised stalking. If you can afford to buy counter-surveillance and security equipment (cameras, audio pick-up devices, alarm systems, locks, safes, bug detectors, signal jammers, etc.), you should do so. Be as discrete as possible about acquiring and implementing such measures so as not to make them easier for your stalkers to defeat. If you can put together a home-made security system which you can modify and adapt as you feel free to then do so. I will be putting together a basic system which can be followed and built by those who desire. The best solution in my opinion is to keep it as simple as possible so that you can inspect and maintain your own kit, modify and replace components as required. Very inexpensive equipment can be readily purchased from Ebay and online stores and used appropriately can make life much more difficult for perpetrators of organised stalking. Using technical security measures to fight gang stalking has two major limitations. One is the cost. Most targeted individuals will lack the financial assets to take advantage of many superior security technologies; people with significant resources and connections are probably not often selected as gang stalking targets in the first place since they can more easily fight back. The second problem with a strategy that relies primarily on technical counter-measures is that you will essentially be engaged in a sort of “arms race” with people who have a deeper knowledge of such matters, as well as deeper pockets. Nevertheless, it is smart to exploit spy gear and security systems as much as possible within your budget. Some effective technological counter-measures are either free or relatively affordable. D: Perseverance
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 10:11:50 +0000

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