Organizational Profile In response to a number of observable - TopicsExpress


Organizational Profile In response to a number of observable issues in the Region, Mutita Kashimoto mobilized members of the Christian Churches around Tunduru to develop a non-Government Organization (NGO) to start looking look into the development program of Tunduru and may spread the same ideas to other areas in Tanzania. The organization is to be called Organization Tumaini Lipo (OTLI). It focuses on the increasing poverty rate in the area, the increase in infections of HIV/AIDS, unemployment among the youth, apathy towards education and the lack of accountability and responsibility for those who are directly involved in policy implementation for development in Ruvuma Region - especially Tunduru. OTLI believes that, although it is very important to have a rule of law in all the societies, behavior change can only be achieved through a contextualized analysis of discovering the root cause of inappropriate behaviors in any society. Culture is built on four successive foundational layers which complement each other namely: Behavior-Values-beliefs and worldview. Behavior is only a visible result of the root of world view. The goal to fight and alleviate poverty in the region will be achieved through creative skills training, especially the utilization and processing of local raw materials into marketable products. I. Vision Economic empowered and sustainable communities 1.1. Mission OTLI has the following as her Mission: a) To see an empowered and sustainable community, using resources for personal and community development in Tunduru and the rest of Tanzania b) To create job opportunities for the community in Tunduru c) To return the dignity of People Living With HIV/AIDS (PLWHIV/AIDS) through education on: i. Basic knowledge of chronic diseases and their negative effects ii. Basic care for PLWHIV/AIDS iii. Social aspects affecting PLWHIV/AIDS d) To help the community with needs to help themselves using their own skills and energy e) Target the young people through a program called (Generation of Leaders Discovered (GOLD) helping the future leaders make the right choices and decisions now as those decisions will affect their future. f) Using local raw materials to create income generation and job creation for the youth and women in order to contribute to the economic empowerment through the facilitation of Skills Development Centre Programs and creating opportunities for jobs through small scale entrepreneurship to benefit the Tunduru communities. g) Target the OVCs and young people in streets by mobilizing them towards creative production as opposed to the work of roaming about the streets 1.4. Values a) OTLI recognizes that the achievement will be reached at, through obedience to Our Lord’s call for life of loving our neighbors b) OTLI recognizes that every person has a potential talent to contribute to the development of our society. c) OTLI enforces accountability and responsibility to every individual involved in the program. d) OTLI believes in community participation and will encourage cultural sensitive activities so as to encourage participation of all regardless of age, social status, race, ethnicity, religious or political inclination. e) OTLI sees the young people on the streets as a major force for change and will do all they can to help them discover their potentials and take part in the development of our communities f) OTLI shall not segregate against anyone to benefit from this program based on, age, race, and social status, ethnic, nationality religious or political affiliation, however, a high standard of reputation will be required to become a full time member of OTLI. g) OTLI will continue to think creatively and will always welcome critical thinking and evaluation of its programs and activities in order to achieve its intended goals.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Apr 2014 11:37:16 +0000

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