Organo Gold - Business Opportunity , success in over 30 countries - TopicsExpress


Organo Gold - Business Opportunity , success in over 30 countries . Put your business hat on ... The information is not based on hype documentation. Its time to take the information many of the worlds largest companies are already implementing . I respect your time so Ill fast. But , again , pay close attention because I do not want you to miss anything . His acute sensory mechanism We all have an acute sensory mechanism that goes off when we start putting our thoughts towards something . As an example , you purchased a car then began to see the same car all over town ? You may have seen some before buying the vehicle , but now it seems you notice your vehicle anywhere. This is called our acute sensory mechanism and applies to all areas of our life . However , when it comes to building wealth that are programmed to think more jobs than opportunities . The results show that this does not work for most. Remember people who see Actually , while we are programmed this way is statistically proven that 95 % are dead broke at the age of 65, with the main thing in common jobs being . Most of the top 3 % of all income earners worldwide are autonomous. If you allow me , Ill show you a better way. I certainly hope you are , because it can change your life dramatically . One of the greatest opportunities in our lives there today. The name of our company is Organo Gold and we found a way to make the greatest consumer product in healthy world. Thats right we found a way to make healthy breakfast . Now , before I share with you how we were able to do this , let me give you some important facts about the business opportunity . Timing and positioning Lets talk about time and position. Success leaves clues , and I believe that before our eyes a big change is happening in the business world . Look no further than one of the most successful business entities in the world. McDonald is a multi -billion dollar company and they were completely changed its business focus . Ask yourself this question ? Why one of the most successful companies in history to change a business model that worked billions of dollars for years ? How does this apply to you ? Remember that success leaves clues . McDonald s hired a top executive of Starbucks , and changed its business model away from burgers and fries for breakfast . Look at all the commercials look for all your signs , coffee , coffee and more coffee . Heard of Starbucks ? As this business opportunity work for them ? McDonald is showing record profits in one of the worst economies in our countries history . Many other companies followed suit , from Burger King to Wendy , and now Metro will soon be the largest chain of # 1 location for serving coffee in their restaurants . How about this ? Duncan Donuts has really changed its logo from a donut to a cup of coffee. Why? As these companies have realized a simple truth . Coffee is recession proof and has margins of large product ! Masses Consuming coffee See the cafe is a conversation piece , is embodied in every part of our culture worldwide . The poor to the rich , for the young and the elderly , in an economy up or a down economy , coffee stops not being consumed . Think about the business opportunity ? Coffee is served in restaurants , gas stations , convenience stores , book stores and fast food places just to name a few places . Coffee is not a luxury, but a necessity. The coffee market is a 70 billion dollars , the most consumed beverage besides water , and the largest traded commodity in the world next to oil . Think about it for oil, second only is marketed over coffee. People drink coffee Coffee is consumed by all countries in the world with over half a billion cups consumed every day in North America . Consider that the 255 million coffee drink 340 million Americans , a surprising 80 % of the population . People do not just drink coffee, drink multiple cups of coffee every day . The coffee drinker consumes an average of 3-5 cups of coffee per day , paying more than $ 4 per glass . In fact , many will not start the day without having your coffee first . regular Coffee Everyone wants healthy breakfast Normal Coffee is very acidic, it lowers your PH . Just one cup of regular coffee takes 17 cups of water to bring your PH level back to neutral . Many health practitioners believe that acidity levels has much to do with your health . What if you could achieve the same smooth rich flavor , without the negative effects ? Healthy alternative And if you can still get the same pickup without the side effects ? How about feel more alert without the jitters or the inevitable crash that comes from regular coffee ? How is this possible ? Ingredient unique and powerful Organo Gold coffee is infused with 100 % certified organic Ganoderma lucidum . Regarded by the Chinese as the King of Herbs or the Miracle Herb because of its ability to improve the bodies healing capabilities . It has been used in traditional medicine in Chine for over 4,000 years. Do a search on Google and you will see their are more than 3 million pages of information about it . Miracle of Ganoderma • Oxygenates the body • Providers more energy • Natural detoxification of the body • Supports quality of sleep • Supports circulation • Supports the immune system • Promotes health and longevity Report many amazing health benefits of just drinking Organo Gold coffee and tea. Ganoderma also promotes healthy weight loss , as the body is supplied with phytonutrients that help our metabolism . Not only are you playing in the coffee market , but also the weight loss industry . This is an amazing business opportunity . More Benefits of Ganoderma Each cup of our delicious coffee provides you with over 200 vitamins, nutrients and antioxidants . Actually only one glass alone has over 150 antioxidants alone. In comparison , 1 cup of orange juice has only 17 antioxidants . The difference Organo Gold A healthier way to drink coffee Organo Gold is a partnership with one of the largest Ganoderma producers in the world , and they are recognized worldwide for its preparation method patents in cultivating the worlds leading brand of 100 % Certified Organic Ganoderma . In fact , Organo Gold has just celebrated the pioneer of a $ 240 million Gano Herb Industrial Park , making it the largest in the world . visionary leader Mr. Bernie Chua , CEO and founder of Organo Gold , has dedicated its mission to its success . Your goal is humble , but powerful for bring the treasures of the earth to the people of Earth . He introduced the concept of healthy coffee and Ganoderma to North America , and led teams before 500,000 or more in direct sales . Mr. Chua has created and developed the secret formula for the worlds best tasting gourmet healthy coffee ! History finds a home Last but certainly not least , Organo Gold is proud to have the first collaboration ever, with unique strategic Napoleon Hill Foundation , and is renowned World Learning Center . Napoleon Hill is responsible for successful best selling book , Think and Grow Rich , one of the bestselling books of business of all time . There are thousands of companies who could have chosen to align themselves with , but after looking at Organo Gold chose us . That says a lot about the business opportunity at hand, and you have the chance to partner. The Business Law There are a lot of home based businesses out there , but nothing like coffee . Our products are in high demand , even in a down economy . The best thing is you do not have to be a salesperson . Only a hand samples and people will ask for more , its so simple. Thats why many people are calling this the greatest business opportunity of our life , and our numbers back up. Are you tired of trying to convince someone to buy something? You do not want to sell something that is consumed by the masses several times a day around the world? You do not have to convince people to drink coffee , they will do it every day regardless . How about an opportunity to offer them a healthy alternative ? Earn money around the globe People drink coffee all over the World Imagine getting paid every time you or someone you know drink coffee ? This creates a huge opportunity to make money around the globe. We are talking about a serious business opportunity right here part- time. Share our success Organo Gold has set up a marketing strategy to capture 1 % of the coffee market in North America over the next three years. Thats $ 125 million per month in sales and $ 62.5 million per month in commission that is shared with our team members . The question is how much of what you want? Now there is an incredible opportunity that is open to you if you recognize it . Remember that success leaves clues , and from this day forward you will begin to realize the business opportunity being presented by coffee . It is a chance to change yourself, your family and your financial future Opening my eyes to this opportunity is the first step , but acting on it is the most important step . This is your chance to get involved in a business that is proof recesssion , which is growing , and still in the early stages of growth . Whether you want to build it in full or part time . Theres only one thing you have to remember . Its easy . Its simple . Its coffee. No time like the present to take this opportunity that is right in front of you . join now : winnerteamjapan.myorganogold/pt-pt/
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 03:01:10 +0000

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