Origin Point of History pt1 Before I immersed myself into the - TopicsExpress


Origin Point of History pt1 Before I immersed myself into the esoteric teachings of the Universal White Brotherhood I enjoyed music from bands like Supertramp, Electric Light Orchestra and the Eagles. Then I was introduced into the science of sound and the science of the spoken word. The syncopated beat and jagged art forms were to be shunned. Obviously from spiritual science perspective and now confirmed by present day physics, light and sound frequencies affect DNA and actually program your genes. I thought about how the WingMakers Materials produce vibrations (light and sound) that “mingle” at the subatomic levels and are capable of shifting predispositions held within the DNA clusters that govern spiritual will. In this case, the determination to sculpt time into spiritual experience – not simply physical or material experience. In fact, a Russian biophysicist and molecular biologist, Pjotr Garjajev explored the vibrational behavior of DNA. The bottom line, “ Living chromosomes function just like solitonic –holographic computers using the endogenous DNA laser radiation. ( Solitions are a special type of light wave that doesn’t change shape as it travels.)” He goes on to say, “ One can use words and sentences….. Living DNA will always react to language modulated laser rays and radio waves”. James says, What is unique about the WingMakers materials is the subtlety of their encoding and the way in which the materials interleave. It is this interleaving of the materials (imagery, symbols, music, frequencies, poetry, meta-language, philosophy, cosmology, etc.) and the manner in which they activate deeper perceptions of First Source and the Wholeness Navigator that distinguishes these materials from previous dispensations. All That Is, by its nature, is multi-faceted (wheels within wheels) and in order to distribute this multidimensional complexity, the dispensation must include both sound and light orchestrated into words, music, and pictures. These elements must then be orchestrated to trigger specific resonances within the human genome that lay dormant because – for the most part present-day culture does not activate or touch these receptors of the human DNA. He also says that the Wingmakers have left materials at seven different sites on the planet and that each site contains a central theme that is connected to the seven disciplines of Lyricus. The seven disciplines of Lyricus are Genetics, Neo-Sciences (Cosmology), Meta- physics, Sensory Data Streams, Psycho-coherence, Cultural Evolution, Sovereign Integral. In the Ascended Masters Teachings( and this is true of all belief systems) the student gets indoctrinated in all of the spiritual practices, which of course include all of the do’s and don’ts. Many times you would hear “ the masters say this and the masters says that and the student would simply be verbalizing, with great self righteousness the truth, which was justified within their own fanatical zeal to uphold doctrine and dogma of the belief system. In fact the real meaning of the principle is often miscronstrued or abused to satisfy the empowerment of one ego over the other. I could recall many examples over the years but two come to mind from two separate organizations. In one organization for many years it was parroted that a student of the masters do not eat chocolate because if they did they would not get to the spiritual retreats when they go to sleep. This became a fanatical doctrine justifying severe reproach because chocolate was bad because so and so said so. Well years later I found out from a close friend who knew the truth. This was that a certain individual who ate a lot of chocolate one night was simply advised by the spiritual leader not to do so because his body would be more dense and could prevent him from getting to the retreats. This one interaction between a student and teacher became a sustained fanatical dogma. Many rituals exist within spiritual movements to assist the student to facilitate a greater spirituality. And for sure the “Initiatic Sciences” of the brotherhood have merit. Along with the rituals are the gestures, movements and practices. Most of these have their roots in solid initiatic science principles when practiced with a loving heart. In one instance I approached a very dear sister with an empty jar and handed it to her. I was very joyous and was grateful for it’s use. But I was utterly astonished at the reaction.” Oh my God why are you handing me an empty jar you are going to give me emptiness for this day and I do not want this, you should never give anybody an empty jar.” I of course apologized and asked forgiveness and a reference to the particular teaching where she had based her reaction. Anyhow it was simply a reference to a courtesy that related to the blessings of an individual or household by always offering something instead of nothing. It was an ancient tradition and custom of eastern cultures. I thought to myself what would be better me offering a jar back with something in it out of doctrine and repetitive ritual with no love in my heart. Or a seemingly empty jar filled with love from my heart? All spiritual practices, no mater what church or spiritual group when conducted out of obligation of the intellect, that is the mind confining you to a framework and a box that must be obliged, is based on ego ( energy going out) for self. Tell me does a Christian who gets up early and prays everyday for peace and love in the world but goes out and expresses anger for another, is that spiritual or loving? How about the Ascended Master student who fancies themselves the perfect student and follows the letter of the law and decrees faithfully everyday but can then turn around and absolutely rip another student apart and criticize and condemn them for not doing what they are told. Where is the love? We can be the best student of the doctrine and dogma but if we cannot express the virtuous heart energies we are as nothing. The origin point is the energetic heart and the Light Of Virtuous Entities. Appreciation Compassion Forgiveness Humility Understanding and Valor sustain these frequencies and vibrations of the heart. Unity, Harmony and Peace are the results of a loving belief system. Division and discord and anger etc are the results of a belief system and organization that does not have love as the Origin Point. The teachings themselves may have the guideposts and basic language of the mind, which of course is the words. The language of the heart is the feelings and they usually are strong and predominant. But the language of the Presence or Higher self are lacking. This language out-pictures in behaviors and actions. In fact James Mahu speaks of the integration of these languages as the “Wholeness Paradigm” Here’s what he says in Interview 3 with Mark Hempel. 33:52 James: The Practice of the Presence is an important facet of Lyricus. And it’s a practice that requires both discipline and patience. The basic framework deals with understanding the relationships of the Quantum domain with the mental and emotional domains of the human self. We call this: The Wholeness Paradigm. In our modern world, the intellect and emotions can generate a great amount of discord and incoherence within the local multiverse and this creates a field effect that can cause an unintended disconnection between the human self and the Quantum Presence. So this phase of the Practice is concerned with emotional coherence leading to virtuous behaviors, and mind attunement leading to surrender, and I mean surrender in terms of allowing your Quantum Presence to be the governing intelligence over your feeling and thought domains. Also he says 36:42 Mark: I’m just curious James, why do you call it the Wholeness Paradigm? 36:51 James: Well, and this is very important, so please listen carefully; because the local multiverse and Quantum Presence are the core elements of understanding that thendividual requires. These are the activating elements of the paradigm. With this understanding of your Presence, and its local multiverse, you can navigate to wholeness, you really don’t require any other teaching or teacher, provided, of course, you’re resourceful, and patient, and persistent, and act upon the guidance of your heart and your Presence. 37:32 Within the heart of the individual—prior to their activation or awakening—lives a fragment of First Source, but only sufficient in energy to enable the life, or entry into the schoolroom of the human domain. It is not, in itself, powerful enough to propel it instantly into the state of Wholeness. This, this can only be done in steps and each of these steps is the beckoning from the human self to the Presence that surrounds and envelops it. The human heart reaches out to the Quantum Presence and in each effort of calling, invoking, appreciating, summoning, believing, praying, loving—its energy is strengthened, its bond with the Presence becomes clearer, its vision is more encompassing. It allows Presence to be the governing intelligence that pervades the local multiverse and then you are sovereign... then you are limitless within your local multiverse... and you see the Presence in others even when they cannot. I always felt that this was the key and that is to see wholeness in all things and to see the unity and oneness of all things. I think this is why I was excited to study systems thinking principles. When you are able to see and work for wholeness and unity with a loving virtuous heart then you become as James calls it a “ Spiritual Genuine”. One Great Spiritual Genuine I met once and spent some time with was John Berges. Just then Katie yelled, “where are the boys?” For a minute I panicked, ah, ah, ( thank god I thought) pointing, “ in the sandbox”. Good!, did you make dinner? What? “You heard me how come you never make me dinner”? (This of course is not true because I am the perfect husband) “Well dear you wanted me to weed” as she turned to go inside I said also, “and besides I’m working on my “Wholeness Paradigm.” She turned and looked at me in puzzlement that only Katie can express, “HUH”? “My Wholeness Paradigm, you know mind and heart balanced with loving behaviours.” “Well if you were behaving lovingly you would have made dinner”. “Well sweetie do you want me to go in and make dinner”? “Don’t worry I got a large veggie pizza” Then she yelled, “ Der,Day,Dane Den get inside I got pizza for you.” When she turned to walk inside I managed a humble question, “ sweetie do I get some”? Did you finish the weeding? Before I could answer she was inside. I thought, “talk about full circle”. When I got inside I got one full piece and the option of two have chomped pieces and one with no cheese and veggies on it. “ Daddy, chicky food chicky food”. Der was pointing at my piece. “No No that’s daddy’s piece”, I quickly claimed it with a swift full chomp. Then Den started crying, “ Daddy ate chicky food”. “C’mon guys that’s daddy’s piece, chickys can have that piece” – pointing to the one chomper cleaned of cheese and veggies. They both looked at me while I grabbed the two half eaten one’s while I escaped upstairs. Then the competitive screaming began “ Daddy took the chicky food” “Yikes” the logical song began to play in my mind. As Katie walked in Den informed her that I had taken the twins chicken food. Surly I was in need of wholeness but for now a long shower would do. I need to find my origin point of harmony and peace. Blessings Blessings Blessings Blessings. What comes to me flows through me. Light of Virtuous entities surround my boys my wife my life. Appreciation, Compassion, Forgiveness, Humility, Understanding, Valor. I needed to forgive myself for being so selfish. I really wanted that chicky food.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 04:23:30 +0000

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