Origin of the Persians. Being in the late 90s at the Cultural - TopicsExpress


Origin of the Persians. Being in the late 90s at the Cultural Representation of Iran in Moscow, I had a confidential conversation with their representatives. And it was clearly stated that such a dynasty like the Achaemenids, Arshakids (Dahi) and the Sassanids (Sanasanidy) are not Persian. I just do not understand them and was quite surprised by this answer. But they gave me an additional reason to understand why the Persians consider these Persian dynasty not. So examining recently in its archive material, I came across an interesting pamphlet, which presented in this cultural representation, of which I unfortunately forgot. Im on it did not pay enough attention, because it was only 13 pages of text. But in the light of new data and constantly get new information, decided to revise its archive and re-read this brochure. It is called The Iranian and Persian literature. That language was in my case, the key to unraveling the origin of the Persians. Arguments which I will mainly based on what has already been written about the Kurds, Afghans and here I got to the Persians. So where did the Persians? The answer we find through the Persian. So at first due to the small volume of this brochure lay here all the text. And then comment on. By the way this work is no specific author and the specific date of publication. But we can assume that it was published sometime in the period 1997-2000. Signed it Cultural Mission of the Embassy of Iran in the Russian Federation. ________________________________ It is impossible to say with certainty when there was the Persian language and literature. About the original features and the specific reasons for his change, as well as the first lines of poetry and the first literary text. Studies confirm that people from the initial period of their social life was in need of language. Hence, the emergence of language has a very ancient history. In our case, we have existing prescription written sources has not more than ten thousand years. Therefore, the study of language is better to start with the period when he gained almost present form. Persian language belongs to the family of Indo-European languages, and in the course of its evolution from ancient times to the Middle Ages and then to a new period has undergone significant changes. Changes were subjected to writing, vocabulary, structure of sentences and their meanings. We have heard samples of writing and books Pahlavi Sasanian period, including several course-name and other books, such as Dinkart, Bondehesh, Less Herad, Ardeshir Karnamee Babacan. As for the modern Persian language, the period of its development begins with the IX century BC Farsi-Dari, for a thousand, two hundred years of its history in terms of grammar, significant changes are not exposed. But each epoch enriched Farsi-Dari, new words for scientific, philosophical, mystical, political, administrative, religious and technical concepts; often they were borrowed from alien languages , around the following chronological order: a) The first period - from the beginning of the Farsi-Dari before the Mongol invasion: Arab borrowing terms; b) the second period - since the Mongol invasion to the reign of the Qajar dynasty: the borrowing of Turkic and Mongolian terms; c) the third period - from the reign of the Qajar period to the present day: the borrowing terms from European languages. Starting from the IX century, when the Farsi-Dari became an official and literary language until we reached the first samples of poems and other texts in this language. To them we are a variety of legends and stories about poets, first written in Farsi. Poetic traditions were laid in the IX century masters such words as Hanzalah Badghis, Firuz Mashreq, Abu Shakur Balkhi. Continued this tradition famous poets writing horosanskim style, such as Rudaki, Kesa, Dakiki, Farrokh, Ferdowsi, Onsori, Manuchihri and many others. Since the beginning of the X century and the first half of the XI century on the right is called the blossoming of Persian poetry in all known literary genres. Special development receives genre poem. One of the most famous epics Iranian literature Shakhname Ferdowsi refers to this period. Have developed a genre of ghazal, especially scientific prose style, which is characterized by simplicity and expressiveness. An example of this beautiful prose are Tafsir (Comment) Tabari, Tarih (History) Balami and Danishname (Book of Knowledge) Avicenna. The next stage in the development of Persian literature is the period from the XI to XIII cc. , which is characterized by a surprisingly high level of Persian language and literature, and in which there is a gradual change of Khorasan literary style Iraq. The predominant verse directions of this era called laudatory poems, stories and Description of the problem the Gnostics, love themes, philosophical treatises. Traditionally, the emphasis and genre gazelle. In this genre great success achieved poets such as Anwar, Khagani, Nizami. Ghazal genre contributed to the improvement and the fact that this genre and used the followers of Sufi orders for the transfer of its mystical and Gnostic beliefs. After Sanai in the XII century Sufi genre (Gnostic) ghazals became popular in the XIII century in the works of Attar reached its perfection. Popular and significant area of literature of that period was considered a genre long stories, which was a kind of pre-Islamic traditions a logical continuation of the Iranians. Fahriddin Gorgan, Baba Tahir Nasir Khosrow, Masud Sad, Sanai, Anvari, Khagani, Nizami and Attar (Tabriz), the most famous names that characterize this kind of era. Period of the development of literature Iraq-style is the period of time from the XIII to XIV centuries. It was unfavorable to the development of literature period. Mongol invasion incredibly aggravated political and social situation. At this time, the influence of the Arabic language continued to add to it another Mongol and Turkic words and expressions. Gazelle as a literary genre developed in two directions - in the Gnostic (erfani) and love. Both of these areas found its perfection in the work behind, Molavi (Rumi Jalaliddin) and Hafiz. Prose of this period was enriched with new literary device, and despite the enormous social and political difficulties and obstacles, was able to develop on a new basis. For example, much developed in the XVII century genre of satire. Further enrichment of Persian literature and contributed to the Indian style. During this period, which basically coincided with the reign of the Safavids, interest in literature prevailed. Prominent representatives of the literature of this period are Sayeb, Kalim Kashani and Vakhsh Bafq. The above historical features were characterized not only poetry, but prose. Noticeable changes have occurred in the field of historiography and biography, was widespread and drawing encyclopedic dictionaries. XVII century in the history of Persian literature is known as the period of stagnation, a feature of which was a repetition of old themes and literary patterns. True to the end of this period, genre fiction has ennobled, new topics and trends. It was a time of poems, poetry and journalism. In the future, a new generation of writers have made a huge contribution to this process. The fact that today the world is known as Persian, Persian literature has a very long period of evolution. Persian literature in our era is not a simple human values, it is common thread with rich traditions of ancient Iran and its brilliant future. * * * The world-famous Persian literature is based on the strong foundation of the Persian language. Ancient period of Persian history begins with the era of the Aryan tribes settling on the Iranian plateau (second millennium BC) to the fall of the Achaemenid state shakhinshakh under the onslaught of Alexander the Great (331 BC). The language in which the Iranians said this preiod, called ancient Iranian. Proto-Iranian language, being a branch of Indo-European languages, has a common origin with the Latin, Greek, ancient Indian and German languages. At the beginning of the first millennium Proto-Iranian language acquired new independent shades in different areas of the vast Iranian territory. Of those who have become independent languages preserved to our times only some traces of the following: 1. Saki language. The language of Saks kept a small number of words, mainly in the form of proper names in Latin and Indian written texts. 2. Median language. From the vocabulary of the language fund also remained a small number of terms in the ancient Iranian and Greek texts. 3. Old Persian language. The most important written monuments preserved in the ancient Persian language, is considered to be the time of inscription of Darius at Behistun rock. Inscriptions carved on ancient Persian, ilamskom and Akkadian. To transfer the ancient Persian cuneiform text used. This form of writing ancient Persian language was based on the Akkadian writing, the latter, in turn, based on Sumerian. Ancient Persian alphabet has 36 letters and 2 characters to separate words. There were also signs for numbers. Each of the letters (except 3 vowels) ancient Persian alphabet, expressing a consonant and vowel contained. Therefore, this script is called also the syllabic alphabet. Old Persian script is read from left to right, was extended during the reign of the Achaemenid; after the fall of the dynasty scope of use of the ancient Persian writing constantly narrowed. Avestan language. It is the language of one of the eastern regions of Iran. Avesta, the holy book of the Zoroastrians - the only written source, preserved in that language. According to its grammatical features of this language is divided into two dialects: The ancients said, and the new voices. Ancient is called to speak (dialect), which at the beginning of the 1st millennium BC were written Veda Zarathustra, the oldest part of the Avesta. And they say that is a VI. BC on the III. BC written by other parts of the Avesta, refer to the new. Avesta, which is preserved (in the text) to our times, about one-third of the Avesta the Sassanian era. At this time, Avesta consisted of 21 books. For perepisaniya texts Avesta using a special alphabet, based on the Pahlavi cuneiform. Middle Persian in 331 BC Achaemenid king Darius was overthrown by Alexander the Great. From this moment begins a new stage in the development of the Persian language, which lasted until 868 AD, before the accession to the throne of the Emir Saffaridskogo Jacob Lacey. Court official and the official language of the emir was Farsi-Dari. The Persian language, which originates from the era of Alexander the Great, called Middle Persian. During this period, the Avestan language, being dead, was used only in religious circles Zoroastrians. The official languages of the Achaemenid state - Old Persian, Akkadian, Aramaic and ilamsky - sidelined. The official language of the Greeks conquered vast Iranian territory now becoming Greek. Iranian languages this period, traces of which are preserved in written sources are divided into two groups: 1. East Middle Persian artist. It includes Bactrian, Khotanese, Sogdian and Khwarezmian language. In these languages spoken in eastern Iran, ie in Bactria, and Khotan Harezme. 2. Western Middle Persian artist. This group includes pehleviyky language Arshakids and Middle Persian. 3) Arshakids Pahlavi language called the language of the region Pahleh including Khorasan, Mazandaran and part of the territory of modern Turkmenistan. Survived only a few written sources in that language. Pahlavi language Arshakids in the first centuries after Islam spread gradually fell into disuse, yielding its place Farsi. Monuments of the language remained at 3 written and 3 forms: a) The monuments preserved in writing Pahlavi-Arsacid. b) Monuments from Middle Persian ispolzovainem graphics. c) Monuments written using moniheyskoy book graphics. Middle Persian is the logical continuation of the ancient Persian, which is also called Sassanid Pahlavi. Four groups of monuments preserved the language, using 4 different alphabets: a) Inscriptions shahs and famous personalities. They are written using special graphics, which is called the graphics inscriptions. In most cases, these inscriptions were accompanied by translations into Arsacid Pahlavi and Greek languages. b) The Pahlavi Psalms. Iranian Christians translated from other languages into a number of medium-Persian religious books. Of all these books preserved only part - Psalms, translated into Middle Persian; it is found in Turfan in western China. Alphabet, on which were written Psalms, was called the alphabet of the Psalms, and the language of this writing - Christian Middle Persian. c) Zoroastrian writings. These letters have survived to the present day, divided into 4 groups: translations and commentaries Asvesta Middle Persian, which are called Zend; religious texts in Middle; Pahlavi aphorisms and other, non-religious texts, they are called Zoroastrian Middle Persian, and the schedule on which these texts were written - the alphabet book. PAZEND Aware of the language, morfologichekie and conceptual difficulties associated with the use of different scripts, Zoroastrian scholars began their work on prerevodit Avestan schedule. And the Pahlavi texts prevedennye on Avestijsky graphics, are called Pazend. In addition, all the books Mani (Iranian artist and religious leader of III century BC) and the Manichaean (his followers) were written using graphs compiled from palmirskoy, and in a language which is called Turfan Middle Persian (named after the place findings) or Manichaean Middle Persian (in connection with the contents of the book). Persian language in the new period in the period after the fall of the Sassanid Empire (from 652 years) before the formation of the state Saffarid (865 year) scientific language of the Zoroastrians was Zoroastrian Middle Persian, in Manichaean - Manichaean Middle Persian, and the Iranians Muslim - Arabic. We also know that the ruler Saffaridsky Jakub Leis (865 - 876 years.), to form an independent state in Sistan, announced Farsi-Dari, the official language of Iran. This language has official status, and during the reign of the Samanid dynasty (903-999 gg.) In Bukhara. After the formation of the state of the Ghaznavids (962 -1040 years.) Centered in the city of Ghazni, and the conquest of India by Sultan Mahmud began a centuries-old process of penetration of the Farsi-Dari and on the Indian subcontinent. And when Zahiruddin Babur in 1528 seized Lahore and formed the Indian Mughal Empire, prosuschestvovshuyu until 1859, he was the official language of the empire chose Farsi-Dari. Under the direct influence of Farsi-Dari language was formed in India Urdu, now the official language of Pakistan. With the formation of the Seljuk State (1037 - 1157 gg.) Began the heyday of the Persian language in Asia Minor, and in the reign of the Ottoman dynasty (1300-1924 gg.) Many rulers of this state, for example, Sultan Mahmud Winner and Sultan Salim I, preferred write his poems in Persian. Along with a large number of Arabic words that have penetrated the Persian language after the invasion of the Arabs, during the reign of Ghaznavid and Seljuk observed borrowing of the Persian language and some Turkic terms. It is interesting that during the reign of the Safavid (1502-1736 gg.), Iran, unlike India, does not give due importance to language Farsi-Dari. In general, in the era of the Safavid, Afshar (1736-1796 gg.) And Qajar (1796-1924 gg.) In Iran, there is the process of spreading exclusively Turkic language. In addition, because of the Qajar rulers ties with the French and other Europeans in the Persian penetrated new terms from European languages and glav¬nym way from the French. Communication between Iranians and Persian-speaking residents of Central Asia in the era of the Safavid due strife and enmity between the Safavids and the Shiite-Sunni Sheibanids (rulers of Central Asia) have become rare, and with the formation of sovetstkih Union (in 1922) and completely stopped. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Irans historical ties with the peoples of Central Asia (especially the Persian-speaking) resumed. Today, the Persian language, being the bearer of great literary and scientific tradition, serves to strengthen the friendly relations between nations. _________________________________ So what have we got. By the way the text took nothing and not added. Only highlighted in red and underlined. 1. The first of what the author says, its that it is impossible to say with certainty when there was the Persian language and literature. But we will help him, based on his own text. Namely that arose when the current so-called Persian language, one can say exactly, but it is in 865-868 years. It was then governor Saffaridsky Jakub Leis (865 - 876 years.), To form an independent state in Sistan, announced Farsi-Dari, the official language of Iran. This language has official status, and during the reign of the Samanid dynasty (903-999 gg.) In Bukhara. That is Farsi-Dari appeared as if from nowhere. It never had Persians. They never said it. It made a Persian administrative way, the decision of the head of state who spoke Farsi-Dari. 2. The author himself says that with regard to the modern Persian language, the period of its development begins with the IX century BC. See? Only with the IX century BC 3. Further, he notes that the Farsi-Dari, for one thousand two hundred years of its history in terms of grammar, significant changes are not exposed, but each epoch enriched Farsi-Dari, new words .. they often were borrowed from alien languages: Arabic , Mongol, Turkic, European languages. 4. Only since IX century, when the Farsi-Dari became an official and literary language until we reached the first samples of poems and other texts in this language. Poetic traditions were laid only in the IX century BC 5. Sam Farsi-Dari also changed gradually replacing Horasan literary style Iraqi. 6. Not enough that the styles have changed more and add to the effects of the Arabic language, in addition to which, and then add another Mongol and Turkic words and expressions. But then what remains from the Farsi-Dari? He varies considerably. But what is important is the fact that it is talking only about the Farsi-Dari IX century. And nothing more. In addition to it more and more is added to the Indian style. 7. The author notes that today the whole world knows that the Persian language, Persian literature has a very long period of evolution. That is, again, Farsi, Dari, which began only in the IX century BC 8. The author lists all the so-called Old Persian and Middle Persian languages, while noting that they were independent languages. So if this is the case, what is relevant to them Farsi-Dari? 9. The author notes that Middle Persian is the logical continuation of the ancient Persian, which is also called Sassanid Pahlavi. But again, lets ask ourselves, and Farsi-Dari, you can also designate? Can we say that the type of Farsi-Dari was a logical continuation of the ancient Persian or Middle Persian, provided that they were all independent languages, and the Farsi-Dari came out of nowhere at once from the IX century? In this case, the author does not state this. and this is not surprising since the Farsi-Dari has no relation to the Middle Persian, even more so, to the ancient Persian language. 10. In conclusion, the author did not want to seem that reveals to us the mystery of the Farsi-Dari. After all, we also wonder where did this language, which is due to the collapse of the Parthian and Sasanian empires was the administrative method introduced Saffaridskim ruler Jakub Lacey (865 - 876 years.), To form an independent state in Sistan, announced Farsi-Dari, the official language of Iran. This language has official status, and during the reign of the Samanid dynasty (903-999 gg.) In Bukhara. After the formation of the state of the Ghaznavids (962 -1040 years.) Centered in the city of Ghazni, and the conquest of India by Sultan Mahmud began a centuries-old process of penetration of the Farsi-Dari and on the Indian subcontinent. And when Zahiruddin Babur in 1528 seized Lahore and formed the Indian Mughal Empire, prosuschestvovshuyu until 1859, he was the official language of the empire chose Farsi-Dari. Under the direct influence of Farsi-Dari language was formed in India Urdu, now the official language of Pakistan. That is what happens? Turns and Saffarid dynasty and the state they created tended to Afghanistan, Pakistan and even India. Farsi-Dari is close to the languages of the region which was joined Saffarids, namely Afghanistan and Pakistan. What unites the people of Afghanistan and Pakistan and so far? Of course the Afghans, but rather Pashtuns. That is why Saffarids - a dynasty in the history of Afghanistan. This Pashtun dynasty and Farsi-Dari language closely related to Pashto and Balochi. This is closely related languages. Here is a map of the emirate But the map of the Samanid state _____________________________________ So you can draw the following conclusions. The current Persian Farsi-Dari, as the most ancient of all Afghan languages, has no direct connection with the Old Persian and Middle Persian, which are directly related only to the Armenian-Parthians (Saks, daham, etc.), but this does not mean that there was no influence. But an even greater influence was from the Indian languages since Ashoka. As a result, the language gibritizatsii and formed Farsi-Dari. On the one hand the Armenian-Parthian and their ancestor Median-Achaemenid, and on the other side of the Indian (here I did not elaborate on what kind of Indian, thats another fact). Therefore, in the Farsi-Dari is a small fraction of the Armenian-Parthian words, but a large proportion of the Afghan words. Here, the Afghan people should be attributed to its current Persian Farsi-Dari, the Pashtuns and Tajiks Kurds). It is from this conditional single ethnic group of Afghans were current or new Persians, Tajiks, Pashtuns, and finally the Kurds. No direct relationship they have to the Armenian-Parthian civilization they had not. Because they are the result of gibritizatsii the part of the Armenian-Parthian, which borders with India and the Indian people. As a result of this cross-border gibritizatsii formed the Afghan people. So, I must say bluntly that the ancient Persian and Middle Persian refer exclusively to the history of Armenia and Parthia, and it is necessary to call them more accurately as ancient Armenian and Middle Armenian Language. New Persian Farsi-Dari should be called one of the Afghan languages. Or just an Afghan language. The current Persians should know what they say in the Afghan language, not in Persian, for the ancient Persian and Middle Persian language is Armenian-Parthian confederacy of nations and tribes . Conventionally, it can be described as Hurrian. By the way of history, we know that Indian influence was so great that even the Armenian state Mitanni was the Armenian-Indian. Communication of Armenia and Parthia and India are very deep. Reach right up to the time of the state of Mitanni (XVI-XIII cc. BC. E.). By the way the reader may ask, what about the ancient Persians? After all, in ancient sources indicated Persians. Its very simple. Name - yes, but not national identity in modern scale of nations. Namely, the ancient Persians - is in fact one of the Armenian people, Armenians, Parthians and Medes (ancient Persia) - this is the one people of antiquity and. No accident that the fact that the Armenian-Byzantine autocrat Basil, who came from Macedonia, and a native of the tribe of former Armenian Arshakids stuck ancient law Arshak. under which the rights Parthians, Medes, and even Armenians can only kind of people Arshak or his descendants. Here is the information note from the original source vostlit.info/Texts/rus5/T...rametext51.htm Therefore, the current Persians (at least on the language) is no direct relation to them are not, because they have a product of the Armenian-Indian gibritizatsii and language helps us highlight the secret origin new Persians. The confusion arose because of the scientist community. For when the new Persians gave the name Persian. Historians have identified one of the West of the Afghan people, the Persians. And why not? Because they have settled on the land Pars off the coast of the Persian Gulf. That is, to understand this logic, lets turn to the modern Azerbaijanis. Historians have identified the people who was on the ground Armenian Azeri Azerbaijan, but the northern Azerbaijanis who were Caucasian Tatars (due to language Turkization peoples of the Caucasus) and the grab-bag of different peoples of the Caucasus to the Azeri people had no relationship. But historians have designated them as Azerbaijanis. A current Iranian Azerbaijanis-Atrpatakan, pertaining to ancient Armenian Azeri people Türkicized. This confusion has been made by historians and partly policy. How to be called, and you go. Also formed from the name of the people. And this, too, we must not forget. ______________________________ Thus, the ancient Persians - is present Armenians, Persians and the current - it Afghans (by language). And therefore later tribal education. And here is the empire that Armenians (ancient Persians) created, namely, Cyrus the Great of the Achaemenid and Tigranes I Haykid. Empire lasted from 550 BC. e. to 330 BC. e. When Iskander Gnuni defeated gifts here. But if the ancient Persians - a modern Armenians, why Armenians called Armenian (why current Persians called the Persians I have already said). Armenians today called Armenians, not only and not so much because of bahistunskoy label as such. And because the people who were the ancestors of the Armenians was very numerous. On the map you can see what a huge border - from the Balkans to India. So, note that the part of the territory which we call Armenia was just simply a province of the Achaemenid Empire. Accordingly, the one small part of that single people (can conditionally designate their arias), which lived in the province and was named by the Armenians. Thats why the Armenians under this name appear in history only in the VI century BC But this does not mean that the people did not exist before. That is, the problem is, who and how to call it. In the name contributed and Greeks, who due to their activism in Asia Minor, were the borders of the province of the Achaemenid Empire. Colonization by the Greeks of Asia Minor began under Homer in his Iliad displayed the battle group of the Greek peoples and nations of Asia Minor (ie Aryans). In short, what happens? But that, after the collapse of Aratta (VII-II thousand. BC. E.) In the 2nd millennium BC, aided by the Assyrian Empire, Aratta future Hurrians settle throughout which subsequently Aratta (they Hurrians They also arias) will create an empire that will collect all the kindred peoples of this group, pulverized Assyria. This state will be called the Medes 670 BC. e. - 550 BC. e. Which will avenge Urartu and destroy Assyria. Pay attention to the standards of the Medes and the Achaemenid Empire. They are the same. You can compare here ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%98%...B4%D0%BE%D0%B2 here ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9C % ... B4% D0% B8% D1% 8F Then they are combined with each other Urartu and Media and destroy Assyria. And then they start to have a war between conventionally denoted by civilian. Weaken each other, with the destruction of Urartu. But Midia was not a foreign country. This country, as well as the Achaemenid Empire as the first in the history of the empire united in himself the lands in which settled Aratta, who after their defeat Assyria sprayed all over the world there creating their own separate state. That is why Armenia under that name appears only in the VI century BC Armenia in the Babylonian cuneiform tablets of the 6th century BC. e., the picture is one of a number of neighboring countries. (Pictured plate and decryption). This card is one of the first maps. Thus seeing this feud Achaemenes, and then Cyrus and Tigranes I have done the impossible, they combined all the land on which were Aratta (Hurrians, the spiritual name of the Aryans), after the collapse of the state in Asia Minor during the II-nd millennium BC. and the first in the history of the empire. Simply put, after the collapse of Aratta, arias and sprayed every family creates its own state. In order to do away with the autonomous principalities, Cyrus the Great and Tigranes I conceive to create an empire, uniting all States principality into one empire. Technology related processes of education of the Slavs and the Russian Empire. The technology is the same. Of course as with the Russian Empire in the far consisted not only arias (Aratta, or Hurrians), but also all sorts of Indian tribes, which arias finally driven into the boundaries of modern Pakistan and India. And their border as a result of gibritizatsii since Ashoka eventually formed the modern Afghan people with their dialects, which are formed from such languages as Farsi-Dari (the most ancient of all Afghan languages). As well as Pashto, Tajik, Kurdish and Baluchi finally. And their common parent language Farsi-Dari became a state only to the IX century BC what has been said above. Ashoka the Great (Skt. अशोक , A ś oka and further south to Mysore. Ashoka is known spread of Buddhism, and since his reign left a lot of historical monuments. ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%90%...BE%D0%BA%D0%B0 Heres excerpts from Bahistunskoy inscriptions. Note on Armenian names Dadarshish, Arah, etc. Quote of the battles in Armenia from the inscription: 29-37. Says Darius the king: Armenian named Dadarshish, my slave, I sent to Armenia. I said to him, Go, break the rebellious army which does not call himself my. After that Dadarshish went. When he arrived in Armenia, the rebels gathered [and] went to give battle Dadarshish. In areas Zuzahiya in Armenia they staged battle. Auramazda helped me. Mercy Auramazdy my army routed the rebel army. In the 8 th day of the month turavahara [May 521] they were given battle. 37-42. Says Darius the king: for the second time the rebels came and went to fight against Dadarshish. They gave battle at the fortress of the Tiger in Armenia. Auramazda helped me. Mercy Auramazdy my army routed the rebel army. In the 18th day of the month turavahara [May 521] they were given battle. 42-49. Says Darius the king: for the third time the rebels came [and] went to fight against Dadarshish. At the fortress Uyama in Armenia they staged battle. Auramazda helped me. Mercy Auramazdy my army routed the rebel army. In the 9th day of the month taygrachish (June 521 BC) was given to them battle. After that Dadarshish waiting for me in Armenia, until I arrived in Media. 49-57. Says Darius the king: Then I went to Armenia Persian named Vaumisa, my servant, and said to him: Go on, break the rebellious army which does not call himself my. After that Vaumisa went. When he arrived in Armenia, the rebels gathered [and] went to fight Vaumisoy. In the Izala, in Assyria, they staged a battle. Auramazda helped me. Mercy Auramazdy my army routed the rebel army. In the 15th day of the month anamaka (December 522 BC] was given them battle. 57-63. Says Darius the king: for the second time the rebels came [and] went to fight against Vaumisy. In the Autiara in Armenia, they staged a battle. Auramazda helped me. Mercy Auramazdy my army routed the rebel army. Turavahara month ended [June 521 BC], when they had been arranged battle. After that Vaumisa expect me to Armenia until I arrived in Media. Noteworthy events of November 521 BC. e, when the uprising in Babylon raised one of Arah, Armenian (this is told in the end the third column): 76-83. Says Darius the king, while I was in Persia and Media, the Babylonians rebelled against me a second time. A man by the name of Arah, Armenian, Haldita son, rebelled in Babylon. from Dubai he deceived the people: I - Nebuchadnezzar, the son of Nabonidus . Then the Babylonian people rebelled against me, [and] went to the side of Arakha. He conquered Babylon and became king in Babylon. 83-92. Says Darius the king: I sent an army to Babylon. Persian named Vindafarna, my servant, did the chief of them, [and] so he said to them: Go, defeated the army of Babylon, who calls himself my. Vindafarna then went with an army of Babylon. Auramazda helped me. Mercy Auramazdy Vindafarna defeated the Babylonians and brought them bound. In the 22 th day of the month varkazana [November 521 BC] he captured Arah, who called himself Nebuchadnezzar, and the people who were his most prominent followers. I ordered to put in Babylon for the count of Arah, and the people who were his most prominent followers. 4 column 1-2. Says Darius the king: thats what I have done in Babylon. 2-31. Says Darius the king: thats what I have done during the same year, after I became king. I gave nineteen battle. I Auramazdy mercy of their [the rebels] defeated and captured nine kings. One was a magician Gaumata. He lied, saying: I - Bardiya, son of Cyrus. He made a breakaway Persia. One - Assini, elamityanin; he lied, saying: I - the king in Elam. He made a rebel of Elam. One - Pidintu-Bel, Babylonian; he lied, saying: I - Nebuchadnezzar, the son of Nabonidus. He angered Babylon. One - March, Persian; he was cheating, so to say, I - Hshatrita kind of Cyaxares. He angered Media. One - Chissatahma, sagartiets; he was cheating, so to say, I - the king in Asagarte, kind of Cyaxares. He angered Asagartu. One - Frada marguanets; he was cheating, so to say, I - the king in Margate. He angered Marga. One - Vahyazdata, Persian; he lied, saying: I - Bardiya, son of Cyrus. He angered Persia. One - Arah, Armenian; he lied, saying: I - Nebuchadnezzar, the son of Nabonidus. He angered Babylon. 31-32. Says Darius the king, these nine kings I captured in those battles. 33-36. Says Darius the king, these countries, which have become rebellious - a lie made them rebel. They [the rebels] deceived people. Auramazda then delivered them into my hands. I went with them as I wanted. Next Darius tells how to restore order in the Empire, and how to dispose of the vanquished and not miss a chance to show off :) 43-45. Says Darius the king: I appeal to Auramazde it is - true, not false that I made during the same year. 45-50. Says Darius the king by the grace of Auramazdy me and many others have done, that is not written in this line. Not written to those who will later read this inscription, did not seem that I have done [too] many, and [it] does not believe, and regards as false. 50-52. Says Darius the king: those who were formerly kings, [throughout their lives] did not do as much as I have done during the same year. In short, all this reminds me of peripeteia conflicts between Poles and Slavs Russian, between Poland and its sections, and Russia and Germany. Where Poland - it Armenia, Russia - is the Achaemenid Empire, and Germany - is Greece. Surprisingly, the geopolitical laws everywhere and at all times the same. Thus, you can once again be noted that ancient Armenians, Medes, Persians, Parthians and then - this is essentially a people of the Aryans, the descendants of the state Aratta (VII-II millennium BC.).
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 23:39:31 +0000

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