Orkut: Your Fond - TopicsExpress


Orkut: Your Fond Memories ---------------------------------------- There was a time when I hated Facebook because I loved Orkut.As Google plans to shut it down I feel nostalgic and I must pay tribute to it. Orkut had some features which even Facebook of present does not offer. Orkut lost the pace with Facebook as people got bored and wanted to explore.There were some very distinct and user friendly features. I miss them all. 1. Scrap: Number of scraps, we competed with friends to increase these no. by all means. 2. Testimonials that we wrote for friends and in return expected some good words. 3. Notification of daily visitors. That was interesting and mood changer. 4. Friend list, theme, group,album,birthday notification, overall outlook and features were better compared to Facebook. I became friend with total strangers. Felt liberated. Explored myself by interacting with new people. Had emotional attachment with people we never met.Failed in one subject because of that addiction. Have friends who have always been supportive but we have never met.People arranged my accommodation, summer intern-ship and helped me in getting job. They were total strangers but friend on Orkut. Orkut was the social magnate for people like me. It provided platform of liberation for introverts. I know Facebook has taken that space but Orkut is the first one to be given credit. People encouraged me to write poem, Blog and some of us flirted, chatted for long hours. What I believed I got. Its no surprise that I found my beloved girlfriend,soul-mate and wife through Facebook. Social Media has such an impact that it has changed the government,relationship and health. It all started with Orkut and getting deeper with Facebook.May the future be brighter. I will miss those features as I am missing that even today as I write this tribute on my wall as an addictive user of Facebook. Orkut you must be missed by billions !
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 19:56:34 +0000

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