Orlando Pirates midfielder Andile Jalis friends advised him to - TopicsExpress


Orlando Pirates midfielder Andile Jalis friends advised him to prepare answers in advance for post-match interviews because his English isnt that good. They had a few mock interviews, and told him to answer exactly the same way during the live interviews because they usually ask the same questions. But it backfired... REPORTER: Andile, firstly, I hear that your wife is pregnant. Thats fantasti...c news, congratulations...! JALI: Yes, thank you. All credit goes to my teammates. Everyone worked hard for it, especially Thulasizwe Mbuyane. It was a tight situation when we came in, but performance was great, with some help from Oupa Manyisa, who looked like he was really enjoying himself. Special thanks to Daine Klate for finding space from tight angle. And not forgetting Tlou Segolela, who showed lots of energy when everyone was tired... The reporter fainted...
Posted on: Mon, 02 Jun 2014 06:08:01 +0000

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